The Promised Land

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey guys,

I don’t know if you’ve heard the theory that’s been floating around for a while now, but the idea is that the planned 5 seasons of Westworld are meant to semi-mirror the first five books of the torah/old testament, the Pentateuch. It’s the story of a people escaping slavery and their journey as they try to reach the promised land, with the frequent intervention by a pissy and controlling god. The first five books are also referred to as the “books of Moses” because they are also his story. In this Westworld theory, Dolores is Moses. In the Moses story, there is a character called Caleb.

Caleb is a spy for Moses to investigate the promised land, because it is currently occupied by a powerful people, and the Israelites are just a band of wanderers. Most of the Israelites balk at trying to take this land from the current occupiers, but Caleb is loyal and maintains his faith that they can take it. For this, Caleb and his descendants are eventually given dominion over this promised land.

My idea comes from focusing on the “promised land” part of the story. What would be a promised land for humans if Dolores wins her revolution? If she decides she doesn’t need to destroy them all, what would she do with them? Then I recalled how Serac told Maeve that his people and hers couldn’t live together, but he would let her live in the simulated world, the sublime, where all those other hosts are now. What if Dolores offered the same bargain to humans? We know from previous seasons that though they could never perfect the process of putting a digitized human mind into a host body without a nearly immediate cognitive plateau, the AI system in the forge told us that they were totally stable and perfect recreations within the forge system, in a digital world, a simulated world.

What if Dolores offers the humans, at least some, maybe just the outliers, a promised land in a digital Eden where they could do and be whatever they want, free from Rehoboam’s control, free to be anything? They would even be immortal in there, which is what they were seeking in the park. This also lines up nicely with the game for William from season 2, where he was told that he must “find the door” and that “The game begins where you end, and ends where you began”. William finds the door to a virtual Eden, and Caleb leads the people through to the promised land.

-John G.

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1 Response

  1. Ashley Schlafly says:

    I loved this. What a great little bit of information added to what we are already discussing. Thank you so much for sending this in!

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