Tagged: WW-S3E06

Hope for Hector

Hi, First off, I love the podcast and enjoy the insights from you all and the listeners. That being said, I want to talk about Hector’s fate. Maybe I’m thinking too much into it, but they took Hector’s pearl out of his body in Westworld and then Serac told them...

Westworld Error?

Love listening to you all. I have a question on the last episode. When Charlotte is in the board room and shoots Serac in the head, and he then disappears, how is that possible? She nor anybody else in the boardroom was wearing glasses. How was he a hologram? Am...

Oh No Not Another Season

Westworld is the most overated yawn Dolores is ford Who cares who lives. Who dies Is it an enigma wrapped in a puzzle ? No it’s pretentious poppycock None of it adds up except in the minds of that send 5 page boreologs Still love your show Love danedare

Westworld Telegraph Season 3, Episode 6 ‘Decoherence’

Hi all, I’ve never emailed before but I have so many questions and thoughts about Westworld. I know they might get answered yet but I still thought they’d be worth discussing. Firstly, and I really hope they won’t do this to us, what if it’s all a simulation? Perhaps designed...

Deep Dive Was Fire

Hey guys, just finished the deep dive and really enjoyed it. All of your takes on the evolution/struggles of the Dolori, Charred-lores and MIB were on point. I loved the discussion on which allies are being printed for Maeve too. Agree that the first 3 are Maeve, Clementine and Hector...

We Need Grey Hats: Narrative, Therapy, And Investment

Hi all, long time listener, first time emailer. Funny thing — I somehow managed to neither send nor save what I thought I sent last week. Love what you do, and thank you so much for bringing out the delicious flavors of this yummy parfait of a show. Going to...

Thank You for Your Strong Work

Hi, Just needed to take a moment and thank you for all the long hours you put into your pods. I have been a fan for several years, but mostly as a silent listener. Listening to Westworld Deep Dive 306 Decoherence, I was gobsmacked when Ashley S said: “And it...