Hope for Hector

Westworld Telegraph

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First off, I love the podcast and enjoy the insights from you all and the listeners. That being said, I want to talk about Hector’s fate. Maybe I’m thinking too much into it, but they took Hector’s pearl out of his body in Westworld and then Serac told them to transfer the data and to destroy all the remaining bodies. Are we assuming his pearl was destroyed after the data was transferred to the Delos headquarters along with those bodies being burned? And was any of that data that Chalores stealing host data? We are led to believe that all the backups were destroyed when Angela blew up the forge, correct? I feel like they left it open for a return.

I’m also intrigued on William’s character development. I’ve been rooting for him for a while. I was almost hoping that Billy would come back as some sort of host and be on more of a heroic path. It will be interesting to see how he reacts to the thought of Incite essentially controlling everyone’s lives… and I feel like this idea deciding his own path will align more with Dolores’ in wanting to destroy it. I see a reunion with the two of them and they will work together somehow. I always like a good redemption story too, especially since I loved Red Dead Redemption II so much. Speaking of which, Westworld is just a glorified, real-life version of this game and Grand Theft Auto. If William is evil for containing his violence to the park, what is the difference for someone that is doing the same thing in those types of video games? It really comes down to empathizing with the characters/hosts, and that they are far more advanced than the games… and there is the physical personal sense to it. Side note, I did finish Red Dead on a more virtuous path.

I have only watched your Shappy Hour cast last Friday on Twitch, but are you guys only on Xbox for playing games? I say that because I just played and finished Detroit Becoming Human and it was amazing. It is only for PS4 and PC. I would highly suggest playing it as the storyline is that you play as three different androids that are or have become aware/free. It’s pretty much an interactive story or a choose your own adventure with a ton of different endings.

I think that’s all I have. Thanks for doing what you guys do and take care.

– Tony

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1 Response

  1. Ashley Schlafly says:

    I am hoping that Hector can come back. He was always one of my favorites, and I hate the idea of such a terrible and quick end for him.

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