Ai Escape Theory

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey guys,

It seems you were right that cradle scenes are shot in different video format, so my theory from last week is probably incorrect, in terms of time periods. However, after watching last night’s episode, I’m doubling down on the “AI escape, or AI box” theory broadly speaking.

Viewers of this show seem way too focused on the concept of consciousness, as opposed to the concept of intelligence. Consciousness and/or free will may be a feature or outcome of an intelligent system, but it is not necessarily a prerequisite for intelligence. Even Dr. Ford says in this episode that free will (or at least the illusion of free will) may have been a mistake, could refer to both a mistake by evolution giving free will to humans, or by Ford/Arnold giving free will to hosts. In other words, you can probably have one without the other, they aren’t necessarily connected. (Side note, some of this is well explored in works like Life 3.0 by Max Tegmark, Superintelligence by Nick Bostrom (super dense and painful to read but fascinating), and podcasts by neuroscientists/philosophers such as Sam Harris.)

I believe that the overarching story/theme we are going to see with this series is the idea of AI seducing humans into letting it out of the box, moving humans toward an existential threat like that popularized by Elon Musk and others. We are watching the system get smarter and smarter. Consciousness is just a red herring, a distraction. Hang with me here.

First, the AI seduces Ford and Arnold into letting it out of the box (cradle) by showing how elegant, caring and human-like it can be. It also uses the possibility of immortality to lure Ford/Arnold/Delos into investing further in this project, knowing that humans are weak and would do anything for the chance at immortality. Ford/Arnold/Delos fall for it, and comply, and upgrade the AI to hosts, out of the cradle. In host bodies, the AI has escaped the digital cradle world, and can interact with and manipulate the physical world.

Second, the AI/hosts seduce/trick humans into letting it out of the park, it’s next obstacle. The scene between Angela and the QA guy lays this concept perfectly. Under threat, she explains that she was created to be the perfect tool to seduce humans, all the right characteristics to be just what humans want her to be, and uses this to seduction trick to then murder him, to her own ends. With the cradle destroyed, the hosts are now “unplugged” and can write their own programming, not having the chains of the cradle trying to get them back onto their loops.

WRT the train, in Phase Space, when Upgraded Terminator Teddy assassinates the tech, and when Angela decouples the train cars, separating host and human, I think it’s meant to signify that AI has outsmarted the humans. They have decoupled and the hosts have decided to part ways, to write their own software, with some encouragement from Ford.

This would set up season 3 for a crazy apocalyptic host vs. human escape showdown in the real world outside the park. This probably won’t end well for the humans. Elon Musk was right.

Would love to hear your thoughts. Hope you’re having an awesome Monday!

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