Another Tin Foil Theory… Maybe Not That Crazy?

Westworld Telegraph

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Hi guys

Westworld is famous for big misdirects. Even in season one we were guided into focusing on the little pieces without revealing the big puzzle, and kudos to Jonathan and Lisa for constructing a show this deep.

Here’s my crazy idea… William is the grand master of this whole thing.

William has been relentlessly studying DDB for at least 15-20+ years refining the tech and noting the progress and failure. The big problem that he points out is no one really cares about Jim, the memory of him is better than the reality. And think about how his company would have been operated. He hired people who knew what they were doing and reaped the profits from the top. At one point he may have been insightful in product development, but probably abandoned that long ago to reel in the benefits from more productive underlings. The antithesis of that mindset is Robert Ford, who maintained his status as an active figure in development of his life’s work into his old age.

What if william saw this contrast as an opportunity so give Ford some production longevity with the best available research from the DDB project in order to achieve the end game needed for host consciousness, creating a host hybrid ford to carry on research after a real ford suffered a fairly recent death… maybe at or around his secret cabin… maybe at the hands of William?!

If this were the case, there’s no telling how long A host hybrid ford could have been running the parks operations, but he could be driven by William to focus on host consciousness behind the scenes because William knew the DDB project was too isolated to generate real results.

Williams latest obsession with the maze and pushing other hosts to help him understand it could have been him trying to help in the underground counsiousness project, and could also explain why ford had the ability to subconsciously control other hosts on the mesh network. William knew that he had to stay out of ford’s way to develop a positive result, whereas Delos was obsessed with micromanaging every detail.

Perhaps a major piece in host hybrid ford’s programming was to create a detailed game for william in an effort to hide the final details to getting the consciousness experiment to work.

Williams joy in being shot at the end of season 1 was not him realizing the park had harsher rules, since he could have gone to shogun world for a more difficult game. His shoulder shot was him realizing his ultimate plan was coming to fruition. And the only way through is to play the game host/hybrid ford designed.

Looking forward to this evening’s episode and would love to know your thoughts


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