Boys Being Boys

Westworld Telegraph

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Hi All,

It is my first time writing in and probably the only time that I will. First of all I am totally bewildered that you all failed to remember that in season 1 episode 2 Delores walked straight up to Maeve in the middle of the street in Sweetwater and says directly to her “these violent delights have violent ends.” Having said that, I do think that Maeve had already exhibited signs of being a “woke” host (when she was shot by the man in black and went crazy on the techs etc) and until now I have wondered why some hosts that seemingly aberrant behavior are NOT decommissioned but then a host such as Kohana that is just found way outside of her loop one time is put into cold storage. This could be that the woke hosts are able to navigate the analysis and answer the questions with what they are expected to answer or that Ford is playing a hand or a combination of the two. My next Um actually has to do with Peter Abernathy and his location. If you remember correctly, the host that we are considering Delores’ Diddy is actually the decommissioned Peter Abernathy host but there is another current Peter Abernathy host walking around in the park still- my immediate thought when Bernord revealed the location of PA so quickly is that he was very hostly giving the location of THAT PA host.

NOW for my actually UM ACTUALLY- I’ve been wrestling with sending you all an email about the aggressive male tone that you all convey for a while but it seems other people have already written in about the podcast being sexist. You have all been guilty here and there of creating an aggressive male tone but it’s in a generally fun loving way that society has UNFORTUNATELY come to regard as normal and Boys Being Boys. I know you’ve added woman to your team for some episodes but Carrie is not mentioned in the intro nor is she added on the website even though an entire season of television has gone by. Gene in particular regularly subjects listeners to his aggressive sexuality and is generally egged on by big d and roger. I really like the takes on WEST WORLD that you offer but it Gene mentions his porn preferences one more time I’m going to just stop listening. I am not a prude (or a lesbian!) I am just a regular person tuning in about WEST WORLD and I don’t mind at all discussing sexuality as it pertains to the show and we can talk about that Teddy’s dick or that QA’s dick or DaddyDelosBot masturbating or Sizemore’s dick and male issues- all of that discussion pertains to the show. I’m saying please check your personal dick at the door. This is not the Gene’s personal penis issues show. I can’t be the only person to have written in about how disgusting it is. When discussing the intricate and intense relationships between Maeve/Clem Akane/Sakura he made a joke- seemingly out of no where about “what’s worse than being a crack whore heh heh” it was really gross to female listeners and probably the WOKE male ones as well. Comparing just any female entertainer or sex worker to a CRACK. WHORE. Is SUPER sexist and just plainly socially blind- THAT is why listeners think that you are sexist in case you didn’t know. He used the term “vagpack-y” to describe a situation about Carrie (I think) completely outside of anything that has to do with the show- that is a super disrespectful way to describe anybody and very unprofessional. Why are we talking about how “gay” somebody’s small dogs are- you do realize this is 2018 right? I suggest getting some therapy to deal with his his views on women and sexuality. We all already know all about his issues with porn. Cool bro thanks for sharing your fragility and trying to pass it off as smooth masculinity. We get it you are “the guys” (and a woman with a very small role) talking about a tv show but if you want to be taken seriously then please, check your dick at the door! You can just be a person, you do not always have to be a person that’s being rules by a penis.

Other than that like the show it really helps me bounce around ideas and theories! I hope that the sexism can be toned down but you know, if it can’t I’ll find another WW podcast.

-Reba, 33, Brooklyn

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