But Who Is Charlotte?

Westworld Telegraph

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My big bold prediction for who is in Charollette Hale – Dolores.

Wyatt personality is in Dolores body, Dolores personality in Hales body.

For some reason, I was getting a schizophrenia vibe from the show, Bernard seems to slip into other personalities (he reminds me of Macavoy in Split, when Bernard turns on his Robo personality to kill people and being all innocent when he isnt killing people) now we have Caleb whose mother was diagnosed with schizophrenia (or so we are told) which is why she leaves him at a diner. And because of his mother’s mental illness, the system has his chances of killing himself high and predicts it within the next 10-12 years, and alluding to an underlying personality disorder there too. And then I go back to season 2 and what they told us about humans, and it was along the lines of (I dont have the verbatem quote at the time of writing this) but I believe it was Logan in the Forge talking about Daddy Delos where he says “Humans have a narrow definition of the word sane (or normal)” and inferred that it was a small group of behaviors that classified people as normal or sane. We already know from his profile card that William/MiB was classified as an outlier of humans because of his behaviors. So we have been circling around this idea of what is sanity and what is normal and that every character we see has a sense of duality to them, the person they pretend to be on the outside and the person who they truly are inside (westworld’s tagline was even regarding how you can be your true self).

So Dolores splitting up the personalities in her code, Wyatt ruthless killer and Dolores the Farm Girl, and then placing each of those personalities into two separate hosts would allow her to be stable. One personality, one set of drives, one consciousness in one body. Dolores Body with Wyatt consciousness and drives, Hale body with Dolores consciousness and drives. If you go back and watch the interactions with Dolores and Hale as they are talking, I feel like the show wants us to believe that it is Teddy or Clementine in there, more so Teddy because of the line “if you were gone I dont know what I would do” because that would allude to there being a romantic connection between the two, but that line would also work if you were able to split your two selves into two separate bodies, one would be unable to function without the other to some degree, or there would feel like something is missing.

Now this also goes deeper if you want to take it that far: is Arnold in Bernard-bot at the current time. We know Dolores was able to make a perfect “fidelity copy” of Arnold, wherein it lead him to make the same choices as the human Arnold did, so she decided to change his code to make Bernard. Could that be taken as, Arnold is the base code that drives Bernard, but Bernard is the personality code that is applied to Arnold’s base. The ball Dolores holds up in front of hale and puts onto the tablet is both Red and Black, we know Red Pearls were for the James Delos copies (human data) and black pearls were for hosts (host data) his seems to be a mix. So could it be that we are looking at a more Arnold-type consciousness in Bernard right now (hence why hes missing Bernard memories)? And if Dolores (rancher girl) personality is in Hale’s bot-body, and we know Hale’s husband calls her “Charlie”, could it be that Arnolds “son” was really a daughter, and that daughter was Hale the whole time, and now his “child” Dolores is in his human-child “Charlie”‘s Bot-Body? Like a daughter you programmed is in a daughter that you birthed and now they are combined into one daughter-mind-body meld? am I loosing you? Cause i think ive lost myself.

Another quick hit: Human Hale. We are shown human Hale when she is full of terror in the park right after the massacre, and we see her talking to her son. That shocked me at first watch, I instantly started to tear up when she starts singing to her son, because that is such a tender caring moment, it felt like a real mother speaking to a real son. But then it wasn’t making sense that Bot-Hale would not have that code in her to be a nurturing mother, that whoever Dolores put in Hale’s body wouldn’t have that piece of her consciousness to fake. Then I started thinking about it and its like the show is speaking to women and screaming at us all that it understands our predicament. When a woman is in a high-powered position, she cannot be looked at as weak, as caring, as nurturing, she must be ruthless and cunning and cold in order to make it in the mans world. So what does she do? She hides behind the cold uncaring personality when she is out in the real world, specially when she is in the park (knowing that the company she works for is storing all the data known to them) and therefore there is no system (Delos or Incite) that “knows” her mothering personality, and therefore it wasn’t until the video of human-hale speaking to her child, that then Bot-Hale could realize there was another side to this person, a caring side that no one but her child saw, that her child saw her base self which was someone who wasn’t a ruthless bitch but rather a caring mother who truly loved something more than herself (and her search for immortality). It would also mirror (fun-house mirror) William’s duality. He is someone who wears a caring and warm personality in the real world, a philanthropist who cares about his family and his company and gives back to the people and gets awards for his humanitarian work, but inside he is a “dark star” someone so ruthless and uncaring, that the Delos system pegged him as an undesirable.

I don’t know if that’s what they were getting at with all they showed us but that’s what i took from it. A woman, even in the future, still needs to hide her true self and play a role to make it in a “mans world”. and funny how all these systems that try and tell you who you are, are built by “men”.

One final thing: Caleb’s mouth piece gadget. We’ve seen this implant in the previews for the season, only we see William getting what looked like the implant installed (or worked on?). Note that one of the RICO guys looking to throw Caleb off the building said his implant was “Military Grade”. Wild prediction here but, we know Caleb’s mother left him in a diner, we can assume that because she was institutionalized, he went to foster care (or some version of future foster care) and he ended up in the Army. We can assume that he fought in the Russian Civil War (that we saw from the Premiere Date Trailer). We know from the first episode when Francis asks Caleb “whats it like being back home” his answer is something along the lines of “algorithms like the army had, they said it would help us”. So can we assume that the Army (specifically, foster children who were enlisted to the army because society did not care about them) received the first set of Incite Implants to help the Army control its soldiers? So when we ask ourselves “why would Delos just create bots for the DOD and make a super army” the answer would be cause that was too costly and its easier to turn humans into controllable solider bots with an implant? The implant can control your bodily functions, the RICO guys turn up Caleb’s heart-rate (like when Strand was torturing Bernard in season 2). Humanities-cost effective solution perhaps…..

That’s it for now. Hopefully you guys can add to this or steer me back on my path to understanding the show.



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