Can Bran Control the Night King?

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My first time writing into the show, so first and foremost, I have to tell you how much I look forward to each new episode of the podcast and what a great job you guys do.

Just wanted to comment quickly about the Night King and how the living have their work cut out for them. I rewatched the battle of Hardhome and he raised dozens and dozens of the dead within seconds and all at once simply by raising his arms. During the war with the living surely coming in season 8, I would assume that any living soldier that dies he will simply raise from the dead to fight in his army. While the livings numbers are slowly diminished with each soldier killed, the Night King’s army will constantly be replenished as he raises the dead to become whites and fight along side him. As long as the Nigh King is alive, he will have an army to back him and an ever growing one at that while the livings numbers will only dwindle. This war will only end with one death and that is the Night King’s.

Secondly, will someone please explain if Bran truly is the Night King and got stuck after traveling back to the past and wargging into the body of the man when the children of the forest created him, why doesn’t he just….STOP. If Bran is stuck in the Night King’s body and is the Night King, can he not control him? This part of the theory confuses me greatly and makes no sense. He can control any body he wargs into but if he gets stuck he’s mentally or spiritually held prisoner in this body with no control? I do not get this at all and that’s why I don’t buy into Bran being the Night King just yet.

Great job fellas!

Franklin de la Nooch

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