Can Bran Warg Into Viserion?

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Hi guys-

I recently started listening to your podcast and really enjoy hearing your theories and analysis of the show! I am writing you today because I have a theory I wanted to share, although I’m sure I am not the only one with this idea. I have heard the theory that Bran is the Night King and while I respect the reasonings surrounding the idea, I don’t know if it really adds up for me. His powers came from the children of the forest and it seems counterintuitive to me that Bran ends up permanently warging into a creature they created and lost control of (which led to the Night King becoming one of their enemies). And I really have a hard time accepting the idea that all of the Westeros problems are due to Bran going through time trying to fix things. I guess it’s too “butterfly effect” for my taste. It could very well be, I just hope it isn’t.

Anyway, I have been thinking about how the Night King’s new pet, the ice dragon, might be defeated. It seems terribly cruel that Daenerys might have to kill her own warped dragon, and I can’t imagine the siblings going head to head with their dragon sibling. I wonder whether Bran will end up making a BIG exit. Could it be that he wargs into Viserion as a way of taking control away from the night king? It could be his last big assist to humankind. It goes back to what the three eyed raven told him, that he may never walk again but he will “fly.” He sees and knows all, perhaps he’s been waiting for the one major task put to him. I don’t believe that, if this were the case, he would be the one to actually defeat the Night King (I think that is more likely up to Jon Snow/Daenerys power duo) but it makes some sense in my head.

If Bran becomes the icy Viserion, I imagine the power it might take to defeat the magic of the Night King would either leave him permanently one with the dragon, or that it would kill him in the end. What are your thoughts about that? I have a hunch that Bran will not survive the Great War because it feels like his purpose is beyond his human life. I can’t tell you how it would affect everything else, and I’m sure I’m missing something here, but I could see this possibly unfolding in the next season.

Thanks for all you do, I always look forward to seeing what y’all have to say about the show after each episode unfolds!


Stephanie B

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