Cr4-Dl – Simulation Technology

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey Guys,

I have to once again append to my e-mail below. I just read something that made me go full tinfoil.

I have been trying to avoid Reddit this season but in a moment of weakness I read a post and found out that a few days ago through one of the online marketing e-mails that you can get from HBO acting as Delos, we learned, and I am quoting here, that the CR4-DL mentioned in the last episode is “simulation technology that stores and tests all of our story lines: the Cradle. Delos’ time capsule that ensures you get the immersive and dynamic experience you deserve.”

Now a lot of people are talking like the CR4-DL is the facility that William built. But what if the simulation tech is software. Its a predictive analytic software that can effectively tell the future because it can figure out what people are going to do before they do it. It might be partly housed in computers located in Williams building but it can also effect things in the park. And what if its Alive. Its the “man Behind the Curtain” that I detail in the below e-mail.

Now the crazy part. What if the AI is our villain. What if the AI is the IP that Delos has been trying to get and what if its trying to escape the confines of the park with out falling into Delos’s hands. The single use encryption key is what Delos needs to access and control this AI so its playing keep away with Peter Abernathy trying to keep them From getting it. While at the same time pulling in people it thinks it will need. I.E. Elsie, Stubs, Lee. Ect. using the Ghost Nation Warriors.

Or counterpoint what if the AI is perfectly fine staying in the park and knows that it cant let itself be captured by Delos because they will use it for evil. So its using the hosts to defend itself.


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2 Responses

  1. Jesse says:

    Well Yah, how do we know Bernards entire story line after waking up on the beach is real? There has always been something a bit off about it. Thats one of the reasons I suspect that there is some power moving behind the scenes in the park. It would make complete sense that hes being fed a simulated world because he has access or saw something about the encryption key. It also totally fits with this show that one of the timelines would be fake. I just don’t think its Delos doing it. I’m betting that the entire story-line after he wakes up on the beach is fake. Maybe Delos hasn’t even come to the island. This man behind the curtain has Bernard, Clem just dragged him off in the last episode. Whoever it is needs that key and is messing with Bernards mind to get it.

  2. Gene Lyons says:

    The Cradle could completely change our perspective on what we’re seeing in Westworld. Much like the Holodeck did in Star Trek, a simulation space could make every scene we witness suspect.

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