Deep Dive

Westworld Telegraph

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I don’t know if you guys did the deep dive yet, but I just listened to your shallow dive and noticed there wasn’t any mention of something that seems important.

When Bernard is with Elsie in the bunker, and she’s trying to break into the locked door containing insane cyber-James, Bernard attempts to plea with her not to go in. He realizes during this moment that she can’t hear him, because it’s a memory and she’s not actually shooting the door open at that moment.

Which would also mean that the rest of following scenes with Bernard and Elsie are also a memory. It would also mean that everything we’ve seen of Bernard in the past in this timeline is a memory, too. If my deduction is correct it means that Bernard’s entire timeline is a memory he is reliving.

Maybe I’m way off on this, but I just rewatched the episode and I don’t see any other way it could be possible that he is unable to influence the present unless our present is a memory, UNLESS the director just wanted to show us the difficulty AI would have placing time without a time stamp. Which would be a kind of cool effect too. But if it is a memory, where is he now and why is he reliving the last few days? Is someone guiding him in this journey of the mind to dig up some kind of corporate secret?

I’m a longtime listener by the way, I’ve written to The small council, but never The Telegraph. I loved this episode. I felt like this season was missing only one thing last season had, which was some big picture morality/philosophical questions. They really poured some gasoline on that fire with this episode though. You guys are doing great, keep it up.

Also to counter that one star reviewer, bald move sucks. I feel like I’m going to have to wipe off my speakers every time I listen because A-Ron spits so much. I’m perfectly willing to nerd out, but those guys spend an inordinate amount of time examining the questions no one actually cares about. West world is science fiction, who cares how the god damn guns work. It’s fiction, if they existed it would just be science.

Nick R.

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