Dolores and Her “Wokeness”

Westworld Telegraph

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I’m Kenny from Boston. I’ve been binging your podcast all week and would like to share a theory and analysis of this amazing show. Though I do like the multiple timeline theory and subscribe to it. It’s hard to think within the 30 year difference the hosts advance and get rebuilt but the storylines don’t. I feel that new dialogue and storylines would’ve been added throughout the times. Though it’s possible, I guess.

One question I have now is where is Dolores while Maeve is achieving “wokeness” I believe that the barn shooting is a part of her storylines and at the most recent she’s just wandering reliving her story with Will and Logan; which is when she meets will. In the beginning, the time we are given glimpses of her traveling alone and her traveling with will until the admin steps in to take her back, but previously will stepped in. The time of Dolores and will is just what she remembers. Tier 1 of sentience and consciousness. I’m thinking Maeve will find her in the tech room in the future as Maeve is trying to escape which would lead to the revolution and really why teddy is given a new storyline and dialogues, i.e. Wyatt. Dolores isn’t in play at that timeline.

Where I jump off the ledge is my theory on Arnold and Robert. I think they’re brothers, and Arnold being the younger one of the two, hence his fondest memories are Roberts worst of their family; Robert grew up protecting Arnold but when Arnold began to burden more stress, their ideology clashed, I believe Robert eventually died it could be suicide. I mean why would Arnold hangout and spend time with himself and speak of Arnold. This makes the kid’s threat a little more daunting too. Robert eventually configures the host family to his remembrance of them. Robert misses Arnold and finds as much time as possible to spend time with his little brother.

I would like to believe Logan is the man in black, and him spending time with Teddy (Will) is a mirror of Robert spending time with Arnold. Both reliving their fondest memories. Man in black is a foil to Robert. Also, Robert is shown that he has an inkling of reliving the past, yearning for the past.

I believe Bernard is just Bernard, he was built so Robert could have someone to think against. But also a willing partner that won’t clash in ideologies with Robert, and he had been there for a while. I believe Bernard is an earlier model too, gen 1 but of Robert’s not Arnold’s. Why build a Bernard in the image of someone he was so fond of.

I also think Elise’s story is in another time period as well but only a few years before the man in blacks and makes time period. Where there is enough interlocking characters to warrant to think it is in the same time.

Just my thought. Please let me know what you guys think.

Kenny from Boston

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