Hey,Idk if Im breaking the rules by sending a second email but I have thoughts and I didnt want to lay an essay in you. I really didnt like the shows handling of Emmitt Till. It felt cheap. Hes essentially just an extra in previous extras, isnt mentioned for a while and then his death happens and were supposed to feel bad. And if you know the event you will feel probably, but so much of the episode is devoted to his murder youd think he was a series regular. Maybe I wouldnt feel this disappointment if he was. It might have been better if they just left him out of the show all together. This cheap middle ground feels like an easy, fast way to appeal to the audiences pathos. Ultimately I think this is a manifestation of King Bs concern from episode 1 of this shows ability to balance eldritch horror with real life horror. The cutting between the 2 prevents either from reaching its full potential. Am I off here? If I am please let me know.-Chris