Flame Proof Jon Snow

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Hey guys, love the show. I have a few random observations then a key point I think a lot of people are missing.

1. Did you notice the way Jon squared up to zombie Viserion at the end. Looked like he was willing to test his Targaryen fire-proof genes against the blue fire. That would have been cool to see… He’s been criticized for lack of strategic brilliance in this episode, and fair enough, but that’s the ultimate in bravery right there.
2. Also did I imagine Dany throwing Jorah right in the path of a wight near the end to protect herself, leading to his mortal wound?
3. Finally there’s a one-off aerial shot of the Night King after he skewers Theon. It’s from a really weird angle in the trees… I am sure this is supposed to be an Arya POV shot. This explains where she assessed his armor and found the weak spot. It also shows where she was hiding the whole time. There has to be some explanation for how she came up with the plan to stab him in the upper abdomen in advance since it’s such a deliberate move. She was initially grasping the dagger by the blade with the handle facing the Night King so the drop-and-catch move was her plan from the start.

Anyway, I feel as though a lot of characters have been criticized for lack of brains or bravery in this episode. I wonder if we should hold fire until we’ve seen the end of the show. I suspect a lot of what happened this week forms the basis for future events. A significant comment in episode 2 was when Jorah said Tyrion owns his mistakes and learns from them. That’s an odd sidebar in a show where “you win or you die.”
Jon and Dany might reflect on their lack of forethought in the battle plan and impulsiveness in its execution. Tyrion and Sansa might be moved to contribute more since they probably feel they’ve already faced death anyway cowering in the crypts. Perhaps even Sam will own his failure and show bravery at a key future moment. Perhaps the knowledge his cowardice led to others deaths will propel him to show great bravery at a critical point.
I think everyone’s missing the fact this was not the last episode and this close to the end most things are happening for a reason. There are probably a bunch of events in the last three episodes that they were working back from here.
I wouldn’t be surprised if there are some major twists and turns in the last few episodes. It would be boring if every character was at the end of their arc and no one did anything wrong. Also I hope we haven’t seen the last of Arya with someone else’s face.


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1 Response

  1. Gene Lyons says:

    I love this take. I spoke on the pod about how this experience with bolster the bonds between all the people who fought shoulder-to-shoulder at Winterfell and strengthen their unification for the fight against Cersei. I never thought about how the important lessons learned will help Targaryen and Stark in the war to come.

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