Game of Thrones – The Bells

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I’ve agreed with almost everything Big D has ever said about the show, but I did want to point out something. When Dany is flying her dragon toward the fleet, you talked about how “oh now you can swerve around and dodge these bolts” or something to that effect. The first time they were attacked with the scorpions it was a surprise attack (yeah yeah they should have seen the fleet from that height but whatever it was a surprise attack). After rewatching this week’s episode, I thought it looked like Dany was flying with sun behind her so that it was difficult, almost impossible, for them to see the dragon. By the time they were close enough to see it, they were being burned. This could have been an intentional strategy on Dany’s part to explain why now the fleet is unable to hit a dragon. Also with the scorpions on the wall: Drogon was flying right down by the water, then when the scorpions were all aimed down and about to shoot, Drogon pulls up really fast, making it impossible for the archers to switch their aim fast enough to get him. Then, as it takes forever to reload a regular crossbow much less a giant one, Drogon was able to burn all of them before they had time to reload and fire (no pun intended).
I could buy all of this as a strategy on Dany’s part since she knew what to expect this time instead of convenient writing or whatever.
Again, love the podcast, and I’m really sad there won’t be any more episodes to discuss after next week! Love you guys!
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