Got-Sansa’s Long Game or Why Sansa Stark Might Win The Game of Thrones

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Hey Guys!

I’m honestly shocked that no one has thought of this yet (or at least said it out loud). Now note, this is what I could see happening, (since D&D seem intent on blowing up the past 7 seasons of plotting while still somehow remaining true to the primary thesis of the show), not what I want to see happen.

Full Disclosure: I’ve never been a Sansa fan but I acknowledge that she has become one of the smartest people on the show. She and Tyrion (his recent performance in the last few seasons notwithstanding) are the ones to look out for.

Why hasn’t anyone considered (despite everyone knowing it) that Sansa is playing the Game of Thrones at Cersei and Littlefinger levels: adroitly, unsentimentally, ruthlessly.

Varys once said of Littlefinger, “he would see the realm burn, if he got to be the king of the ashes.” Has no one considered that Sansa is following her mentor? She doesn’t trust Dany, she thinks Jon is an idiot. Why not roll the dice? Put this incendiary info out there, (using Tyrion as a pawn just like Littlefinger did), something she specifically swore not to do, and then watch the two Targaryen heirs duke it out?

If Dany wins and kills Jon, Sansa unites what remains of the North, the Vale and whomever else against the Dragon Queen– since most likely the majority of Westeros would still rather a Northern-born queen with a tangential claim to the throne– over a crazy, foreign one.

If Jon wins, Sansa has her “idiot” (or more charitably, malleable brother) on the throne with unrivaled power (Tyrion said so himself) for herself, not only in the North but also in the Reach, the Vale, (and with her ex-husband’s claim and connections to Casterly Rock in play) maybe even the Westerlands too. Either way, spreading that information places Sansa in the position, like her mentor, to sit back and if she wants it, be the queen of the ashes (or whatever’s left) of Westeros.

Game of Thrones, indeed.

Anyway, thanks. I’ve been a loyal listener since you guys sherpa’d me through the hard climb and exhilarating summitting that was Season One of Westworld. I would have been completely lost without you all! My eternal gratitude for that.

(I love you guys but y’all can butcher names so: it’s pronounced E-maa-nee, emphasis on the first “I”, short “a” like “apple”… or basically David Bowie’s widow’s name, plus an extra “i”. Just in case, you decide to read this for the Small Council! :-))

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