HALE’s Identity As A Distraction Of What Is REALLY Happening!

Westworld Telegraph

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I believe this whole “who the Hale is Charlotte” question is distracting all of us from focusing on something not as important as what we are actually witnessing on screen. Charlotte’s story is not adding up in a bunch of weird places and I think I have come up with an interesting theory.

THIS Charlotte has had recent interactions (post-massacre escape) with people that she doesn’t remember. The most glaring to me is that she has an interaction with her son that she did not know existed. If this is the first time they are seeing each other since her return he would be jumping up and down and acting so excited to see her! Instead, she walks in to his room and he acts like it is just another night. This proves to me that they have interacted before; but she has no recall of this?

Another plot that is not logical is that Charlotte’s background info/memories have holes that do not follow a timeline or pattern.

I would expect Dolores to be able to give Charlotte either
a) memories from when she visited the park long ago (creating a gap where she would only have info up to a certain year) OR b) give her “memories”/data she could access from public records.

Let’s go through the gaps we see:

1. she doesnt know she has a son- potentially excluded from scenario A but could definitely get from public records of a birth or adoption 2. she knows how to get to places, like her office inside the building- would not be likely in a memory from long ago but also not in public records! She would have had to had recent knowledge of this. 3. she knows how to interact with members on the board and use the technology in the conference room- using recent events and knowledge but not something she could gather in public records. There are many more examples but as I type them out this is making this much more muddy. The point of it all is that the source of Charlotte’s memories is leaving big gaps and holes and nothing makes logical sense for those gaps.

This leads me to my theory that this is not the first pearl Dolores has tried. She has attempted to use other host pearls but those were not working for whatever reason and she keeps having to reboot and start a new Charlotte over again.

To me, this is the only answer that lines up each part of what we have been shown. She has had interactions with others, but those were different versions, so she doesn’t have those memories! I think this also lines up nicely with the Wyatt/Dolores theories and that for the final attempt (the one from this episode), Dolores went to the person she trusted most, herself.


Please let me know your thoughts and if you see anything to strengthen the theory or potentially work against it. I also posted this on Reddit bc I don’t see anyone talking about the holes int eh plot but that place can be a hellhole sometimes ? It may be buried in an hour.

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1 Response

  1. Ashley Schlafly says:

    I love your email. I had not thought about how many people she didn’t know. Something is off here.

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