Have You Ever Questioned The Nature Of Your Programming?

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey Guys,

Probably too late for the telegraph and you may hopefully address this question, but in “Vanishing Point” the scene with Teddy, and Dolores’s “break,” made me wonder if this might actually be her true awakening and consciousness. Throughout the series, it seems that while Dolores has been traumatized regularly, her awakening seems to be precipitated by Arnold, or Ford, and their programming, rather than something that happens in the park. Given that her embodiment of the Wyatt character was a deliberate piece of programming (not something she “evolved” into), it’s possible that her whole quest and revolution was a result of her programming.

What is Dolores’s cornerstone? Is it that Teddy loves her but is killed by marauders? (Sorry if I’m missing something here.) That tragedy is pre-loaded. When Teddy shoots himself in “Vanishing Point” it’s a trauma that is not pre-loaded or programmed, and her reaction might represent an actual un-scripted tragedy and perhaps a real, organic (sic) arrival at consciousness.

Consider Maeve — was her cornerstone the death of her daughter? If so, why did they keep trying to erase it? And remember, it was MiB who killed Maeve’s daughter, just as it was MiB who seems to have precipitated Dolores’s trauma — in both cases, the memories seem to have been “edited” to have a host character replace MiB.

This would make the idea that MiB is a host more compelling and satisfying — a copy of the actual William as a rogue agent who precipitates the events that lead to host consciousness. (Of course if that’s the case, why isn’t Lawrence also awakened?)

As always, thanks for your work and for creating and enabling this community. It’s great to have an engaging conversation with you “hosts” and the “guests” that visit and engage with your podcasts.

On to the Valley Beyond,

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