A Hint to the End of the Show?

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Hey Guys,

A hint to how the show will end?

One minor thing stood out to me from this past week’s episode. In a seemingly unimportant scene at the Citadel Archmaester Ebrose is giving Sam a few ponderous history tomes for him to study so that he can learn how to write a history book. Ebrose then reveals to Sam that he is writing A Chronicle of Wars Following the Death of King Robert I, to which Sam reveals he doesn’t like the title and when pressed by Ebrose on what he would call it Sam replies Possibly something a bit more poetic.

Could the more poetic title that Sam is referring to be A Song of Ice and Fire, or Game of Thrones? It seems to me the show is setting up for a reveal of this to be an account of historical events written by Sam. There is evidence of this in the title sequence. The armillary sphere or astrolabe that we see in the title sequence is the same one that we see when Sam enters the library in season 6 episode 10, The Winds of Winter.

If you look even closer to the title sequence there is often rings that quickly flash over the screen, could these be focus lenses that are like the ones seen on glasses that the maester that Sam encounters when he first arrived at the Citadel in the same episode. Looking forward to your feedback.

Charlie from Boston

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