Is Adrian V. The Devil?


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Reflectatine Screen Team,

The subject may sound weird, but stick with me. In the last Episode, the nice people gave Jon the bible, and specifically reference Adam and Eve in it, and it is plain that on Europa he is using that bible story as the backdrop for his creation. It is a paradise, with a man and a woman, with Dr. M acting as the creator. Garden of Eden part II.

Now if he truly is following that template, he can make the perfect place and the perfect people, but he must then test his creation. He needs someone to enter into the garden to tempt his beings with things they don’t fully understand, with the knowledge of good and evil that comes from being fully human. He needs the serpent, he needs Satan. Note that in the Old Testament, Satan is not the cartoon/movie version we see in media. Instead he is understood as the “accuser” a being who tests and tempts others with things that are difficult to refuse-knowledge, wisdom, freedom from rules and the chance to be gods in miniature, all things we likely think of as being good things to have. In Genesis the serpent/Satan wins and gives Adam and Eve the knowledge and power they wanted, but at a horrible price.

Note that he has the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” in the tomato tree. Adrian bites into one with relish at one point. Also note, in his letter he references the fact that he had sent some to the Game Warden which implies the GW ate some. Apart from Adrian, the Game Warden is the only one in creation that seems to have a moral sense-that he knows wrong from right as he has to enforce the rules. However, Mr. Phillips and Ms. Crookshanks still act like they don’t understand what is going on at the same level the Game Warden does, and have apparently not been tempted to consume the fruit, and instead smear it on Adrian in contempt after he is sentenced – a clear rejection of his act of rebellion at the trial *** FFFARRRT ****.

I am basing this in part on the possibility that the writers are drawing heavily on this and reference in the Bible to what kind of being Satan is. In the Bible he is called “a murderer from the start” – which Adrian clearly is. He is called a liar and deceiver, which fits Ozzy’s great practical joke at the end of the novel. This is not really meant to be taken literally in a religious sense, but just a template for how he acts. Dr. M sends him knowing they both need it. Adrian needs to be away from Earth and managing everyone, and Dr. M needs a test for his creation-they help each other. Adrian likely did not know what he was getting into, but he couldn’t help but follow his own tendencies when he got there.

The last bit is what started me on this rant. In Luke 10:18 Jesus says he saw Satan fall “like lighting from heaven” a reference to Isaiah “How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!” A reference to the object that falls onto the Clark land and the clue to who exactly Trieu is looking for?

Just a theory.

Todd L. Esq.

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