Tagged: Watchmen Season 1

Watchmen – Dr. Manhattan

Hello Shat Hosts, After watching the first episode fo Watchmen, I felt compelled for the first time to look for a companion podcast. I was lucky enough to find yours after my initial search, and I have listened to and enjoyed every episode since the beginning. I also sampled some...

The Tomato And The Egg

Hello, Long time listener from Melbourne, Australia. I loved the series and enjoyed the perspective you all gave on your pod as I am a newbie to the Watchmen world. I have some thoughts around Angela and swallowing the egg. For me, watching Watchmen explores the nature of humanity and...

Thank You…And A Small Point

Hey, I just wanted to thank everyone there for the great coverage of Watchmen. With a show that has this many levels, it’s great to get the kind of insight and analysis that Shat On TV brings. I’m super pumped for Westworld next year, and a big part of that...

Watchmen Season 2

Hi again Shat Crew, Thanks again for making my work day manageable with your plethora of Podcasts. But may I remind everyone HBO is not an Art Museum. They are part of a multi-global-media conglomerate. Their job is not to make the best quality television program possible, but to make...

Was This Actually Watchmen Though?

Hey guys, Here’s a message I’d love for you to play and discuss in the final NewsStand for Watchmen. I hope you guys enjoy it, and can’t wait til we can all sink our teeth into the remaining questions about this show one last time. Thanks again for a great...

Thought About Rorschach/Dr Manhattan

Sup Shat Squad! Anyway random thought … Poor Rorschach died for nothing.. why does Dr. Manhattan kill him when he can see the future and know inevitably that the squid secret will come out.. Matter of fact there possibly isn’t a Seven Calvary without a Rorschach, squid incident to rally...

How Watchmen Could Improve

Guys – first and most importantly of all, sincere thanks for all your hard work on the podcast – you were a great wingman to the actual show! So on to the show The positives 1. The most outstanding element of the show was the acting – from “The Don”...

I Want More Watchmen

Hello team, As usual, great job on the podcast. Trust me, your hard work on your podcasts for Watchmen and Leftovers were appreciated by some of us. My theory is Dr. Manhattan only gave Angela some of his powers. Here are some clues -If Dr. Manhattan gave Angela ALL of...