Is GOT the New Lost?

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Hey guys,

This is for the Small Council mail readings. I hope this makes it because I think some need to see the positive in what they saw as negative.

I”ve seen many people taking issue with the finale in particular, and it”s for some interesting reasons. It”s been said that the series is the new LOST because of it, some have said it was over too quickly, and others said it was sloppy writing.

First, unlike LOST, we had many things answered and other things ended for the show. Whereas in LOST we still, to this day, lack answers to key questions. But also, are the showrunners supposed to show all the character”s lives end? Will that is a “conclusive” and a good ending? The “major” story arc, which was the Game of Thrones, has ended – thus so, too has the show ended. This was the way it was meant to be. The story has ended, but not the lives of the characters.

Second, I believe the most important part of this series finale was the fact that the showrunners were true to the characters that they and GRRM made for the show at its inception. This was a LARGE series, the main characters were more than just what happened during the Long Night and wars they fought earlier. If we look back, Jon always wanted to make a name for himself instead of being just a bastard. He did that and then some, now he can retire beyond the wall with Ghost and his homeboy Tormund. Sansa always wanted to be a lady and even a princess and queen upon the engagement to Joffrey. She is what she wanted to be, a lady of Winterfell and Queen of the North now since she secured the North”s independence. Arya had a deep appreciation of Nymeria and her travels while growing up, now Arya can have her own adventures at sea as her childhood idol did.

Was this season quick? Sure. Was it sloppy? At times. Was it as bad as the rating on IMDB is saying? Not all. How can something that was well capped off and true to the characters be so bad? It was a fitting finale for a well-made series. We just have to remember what was at the heart of this series, and I”d argue it was the Starks, we even see them in the first minutes of the first episode of the first season, and now we see them in the last minutes of the last episode of the last season. Talk about coming around full circle.

As always, I enjoy the podcasts and hope to see more in the future with other series. And of course, I’m looking forward to Westworld Season 3, weird trailer and all, haha!

Chris S.

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