Is Sizemore Real?

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey Guys,

So this episode clearly blew my theory out of the water. With Ghost Nation wanting to grab Sizemore and all.

However, one thing I don’t understand: why do Sizemore and Felix/Sylvestre not interact at all? Sizemore hasn’t seen a live human in quite some time, potentially days, and he doesn’t even say hi? Felix and Sylvestre have been Armistice’s captives for days, and they’re not relieved to see a park executive alive and well?

They don’t exchange looks, they don’t even really exchange words. So what’s up?

Great podcasts, btw. Really enjoying all of it. So thanks again for keeping things going, even with the 1-star reviews.

Sebastian Lauwers

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1 Response

  1. GT from LA says:

    Wow- great observation! I’ve been wondering since S2E1 if Sizemore might be playing up his meager fragility, not just to gain the protection of Maeve but because he may have been the one that wrote Maeve’s rogue timeline (i.e. coerce>deceive>recruit>escape>mainland infiltration). The only bit of evidence I have is that Lee admits that Maeve’s narrative was his responsibility after her severe malfunction following MIB’s killing of Maeve’s daughter. If Lee had nothing to do with her prior and then full access and responsibility afterward, that implicates him as part of the coding disruption.

    So, which of is crazier? Either way, I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one suspicious of the former head of narrative.

    Great post!

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