Jaime/Cersei/Euron Plot

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Hey guys,

It’s Courtney K. from PA again. I’m in the middle of finals week and am unfortunately super limited on time so I’m just gonna keep this brief by commenting only on the Jaime/Cersei/Euron plot and I guess we should throw Brienne in there for good measure too.

From the beginning, I didn’t believe that Cersei was pregnant. I wrote in during the first week of episode 8 to give my take on the situation, basically stating that Cersei isn’t pregnant, wanted to fall pregnant to Euron so that Jaime never finds out she was lying about being pregnant, etc. Well, on this theory, I am declaring theory bankruptcy. I think I have succumbed to the knowledge that Cersei is indeed pregnant.

However, I want to reiterate the plan I believe Cersei put into play when she sent Bronn to kill Jaime and Tyrion. Even though she sent Bronn north to supposedly kill her brothers, I think that she is smart enough to realize that it likely won’t manifest this way. In my opinion, Cersei sent Bronn as a lure to try and bring Jaime back to confront her on why the hell she would send Bronn to kill him. She knows Bronn is a sell-sword and that Tyrion is smart enough to barter for his life however he can so they certainly won’t die, and she also knows Jaime is going to be pissed the hell off when he realizes Cersei sent someone to kill him.

In fact, this week we see Jaime leave to go to King’s Landing shortly after the scene where Bronn lets the Lannister brothers know that their sister wants them dead. I still need to re-watch the episode so I’m not sure if it’s before or after this scene that Jaime is told that Euron helped Cersei attack Dany’s remaining fleet, but I think that the knowledge that Cersei is still with Euron combined with the knowledge that Cersei wants him dead is enough to send him back to King’s Landing to solve his problem with Cersei using his old violent ways. In the scene where Jaime leaves Winterfell, he tells Brienne that he is “hateful” just like Cersei, and his facial expressions display a man who has reached a point where he is willing to sacrifice everything to seek revenge on his lover/sister. Without a doubt, he will be going to King’s Landing with the intent to kill Cersei.

Now here’s my question: will Arya and the Hound intercept Jaime in his way to King’s Landing? I personally would be so fucking happy to see Arya kill Jaime and use his face to kill the queen. Hey, a girl can dream!

Courtney K. from PA

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