Why Leave Dragonstone Empty?

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Hey guys,

Big fan of all of your podcasts. As an avid Thrones/ASOIAF fan I was thrilled to hear you guys would be taking on the show.

Anyways, I agreed with a lot of what you said about the premiere (Euron was great, the cameo was not, etc.) but there was a technicality that sort of bothered me: How could the Lannisters allow Dragonstone to remain empty for so long? Allowing Dany and her massive army backed by 3 biological WMDs to simply walk into a fortress like Dragonstone is baffling to me. I understand it was to further the plot, but Cersei and Jamie directly address the fact that Dany is going to land there and they do nothing about it? Additionally Euron and his Iron Fleet have to literally sail past Dragonstone to get to Kings Landing to meet Cersei and then again when he leaves! Hell, its in his Ironborn blood to raid and take property from others. Even if he sends 2 ships of the 1000 to Dragonstone to have a skeleton army hold the castle for as long as they can they can at the very least give Dany a hard time taking the castle even with her dragons.

I get that it probably has to do with budget/time constraints but they can at least do something about this. I may be nitpicking but as a ASOIAF snob I find this infuriating.

Thanks for all of the work you guys have been putting in. You’re pantheon of shat podcasts are enlightening and entertaining.


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1 Response

  1. Brian Morris says:

    They could have easily sent Tyrion or QOT to someone to treat with whoever Stannis left behind to guard thw castle.
    This would have showed that Daenerys was not just a destroyer but a lenient, diplomatic ruler.

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