Long Time Listener 1st Time Writer – What Timeline Is Maeve In?

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What timeline is Maeve in?

I’ve been a loyal listener and fan of the podcast since the beginning of Westworld and just had never written in. But this topic with Maeve has been driving me crazy.

When is Maeve’s story taking place?

Episode 1 – Maeve runs into Sizemore in the Mesa within a day or 2 of the massacre in the Mesa; we know this because none of the bodies are decomposing

Episode 2 – coming from the Mesa Maueve and crew runs into Delores; after Delores and gang came from the facility where they found the confederate soldier and tried to enlighten Teddy.

It’s not possible for Delores to be responsible for the attack on the Mesa and the massacre there because she doesn’t even get the train in Sweetwater that goes to the Mesa until episode 5. (Side note: I do take into account that Maeve’s escape started some of the violence and bodies in the Mesa; but it’s never explained why when Maeve left the train in the Season 1 finale all the greeter host frozen. Then next time we see Maeve is in season 2 when she was saving Sizemore from the cannibal host and everyone in the Mesa is murdered. How did she survive? What time frame is she in?)

Or do we think Bernard and Elsie are responsible for part or the massacre? We know that they are headed to the Mesa, which is in sector 53, from the Daddy Delos facility in sector 22. Based on the preview for episode 6 it’s a possibility. Since somehow Elsie and Bernard are able to access the Cradle without anyone trying to stop them and with plenty of time to search for answers inside it.

Final thought about Maeve; so many people are trying to compare Maeve and Delores. Pinning them as opposites or who is “more awake” or who is more righteous or justified. I feel like these are the wrong questions or concerns. Maeve’s super powers are programmed and could be taken away; possessing them doesn’t make her more or less awake. Delores is right with her fight. She can’t free every single host in this rebellion and humans will fight to keep host under human control. Society wouldn’t let host try to assimilate in the real world; if they really want to be free they will have to fight and possibly take over the real world. Maeve’s journey and goals are specific to her personal concerns. She is only trying to help other host she actually cares about.

Also, separate theory, we all assume that the military on the beach is Delos extraction team and have been confused why they came if Charlotte didn’t have Abernathy. It’s stated pretty clearly when she reaches out to Delos that they NEVER RECEIVED the package and won’t be sending an extraction team until the actually have the package. Which Charlotte confirms she doesn’t have Abernathy in what we believe is the most current timeline. Which would work with an internet theory about the possibility that Charlotte (or other Delos executives) are running Bernard through a cradle simulation to gain information about what happened and where Abernathy is or at least the data in Abernathy’s head is. And the “extraction team” hasn’t been extracting anyone. They are coming off more as an investigative team. I also believe the reason Delos isn’t worried about saving any of their board members is that they have the ability to replace any of those people before anyone would even know they were missing. Given they are Delos board members their replicas could already have been created.

I love you guys. I listen to about 7 or 8 YouTube channels about Westworld you guys are my favorite. You keep it funny, intriguing and are great to your listeners.

Thank you very much, Brittni Estes (Poshicles on YouTube)

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1 Response

  1. Gene Lyons says:

    I hope Episode 6 brought some clarity on Maeve’s timeline and what a real Delos response team looks like.

    Seems Bernard and Elsie find the aftermath of a shootup at the Mesa, and that’s before the train attack on the Mesa. Maeve was there before all of that. And Charlotte’s call after snagging Peter Abernathy trigger’s the Delos military air drop, and those guys aren’t messing around.

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