Loose Ends Westworld Season 3 Finale

Westworld Telegraph

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Some of this stuff I sure does not matter, some of it I am frustrated either didnt matter or was not addressed. Either way, this season finale was disappointing, as it feels unfinished. I am not advocating for more episodes, however, the finale did feel like it was missing key moments to thrust us into next season (2+ years away).

1. What happened to Caleb’s mother?
2. Why use schizophrenia twice in two separate non-important characters (Jean Mi and Caleb’s Mother) 3. Why did Caleb and William have the same “Inner Journeys” code? 4. Why did Serac and Bernard have the same user ID (Tablet shown to Hale when we find out Serac is buying up Delos) 5. What was the point of taking Mushashi/Dolores Copy head?
6. Where was Clementine and Hanario when Maeve was fighting Dolores? 7. How did Hale suddenly get virtual access to Dolores (purely the seeing her point) when she couldnt even get Dolores on the phone a few episodes ago? 8. How did Hale just paralyze Dolores?
9. Why didnt Maeve try to use her Mega Brain powers earlier in the season? 10. Why did Serac have so many pearls in his lab when he was first testing Maeve in the Simulation? 11. Why did we even see Maeve in a Simulation and how to break out of one if it was never used again? 12. What Dolores Pearl was in Berlin?
13. Why didnt Dolores just make every clone her with the same Strong Skeletor Structure? 14. Sizemore was just a tool inside a fake simulation to train Maeve? 15. Was it Lawrence who put all the gas tanks in the buildings that blew up at the end? So he was essentially the lesser attractive Jared Leto in the whole anarchy plan? 16. What was the point of Stubbs?
17. Why were we shown Williams Therapy Session?
18. Why was Daddy Delos the head of that Therapy Session?
19. Was Emily just in his head? How did Hale hear her then? Is she still roaming around the empty house looking for Williams return? 20. What was the point of Jean Mi being stuck in Solomon?
21. Why did Solomon exist at all?
22. Since neither Dolores nor Maeve lost any of their data in the EMP Blast, does that mean Solomon just booted back up? 23. What happened to all the humans in cold storage?
24. Who was in Dolores Prime’s earpiece assistant? Is that even important? 25 (a). Why did Hale repeat an outfit if it had absolutely no meaning, down to the cufflink she wore and where her purse was placed? 25 (b). Why when Caleb was first saved by Dolores (when he was almost thrown off the building) did it switch from night to day so suddenly? 25 (c). Why were there so many inconsistencies in the Liam Dempsy Jr. dying on the beach scene? 25 (d). What was with all the mirrors and reflections if we werent in a simulation/mirror world? 25 (e). Why were there two recordings of Hale to her son that we saw play? One shorter version one longer? Again what was the fucking point? 25 (f). For a show that screams from the rooftops that it takes two years to create due to the care put into it, and thrives off layers upon layers of detail that takes a reddit hive mind, pod casts, articles and discussions to get through it all, there are so many inconsistencies and production errors, why must the dedicated viewers feel crazy when they amount to nothing more than errors? Why tell everyone you are a flawless show if you arent? and if they WERE serving a purpose, why didnt you tell us that in the season finale? Should we not care about the editing errors? 26. Why did Bernard need to once again talk about his son? Didnt we see him TWICE NOW break free of the cornerstone of his son’s death? This is not to imply that loosing a child is something anyone could ever get over, so please dont get on me about that, in the mere visual clues of what we’ve been shown, Bernard in Season 1 Episode 9 says to the memory of his son “You arent real, this isnt real” and then AGAIN in season 2 where he frees Elsie from the cave and she realizes they were just his “backstory” we AGAIN see him have no effect, suddenly hes still heartbroken and hung up on his son? 27. Why did they make a point to tell us that his wife had memory issues? 28. Why was William killed in a post credit scene? Shouldnt that have been maybe a final pre-credit scene? given its fucking importance? 29. When did Dolores’ Plan change from eliminating humans to letting them figure out their existence for themselves? 30. Rohoboam is an all knowing AI and didn’t somehow achieve consciousness? 31. Yet Solomon has some notion of free will being able to decipher the difference between he and Dolores? 32. Was William ever going to be a good guy? Should we have cared? Was that a sort of redemption that just fell flat because we weren’t given enough time to establish his “good guy”ness? Now hes dead so none of it matters? So why were we even shown this half ass turn in his character? Was it even a turn? He always thought hosts were just “things” and he continued to think they were just “things” and his “good guy” “save the fucking world” plan seemed to indicate he was just going to eliminate the host “things” so…..whats the point? 33. Is Bernard truly the first hybrid of Host and Human? We were never told enough about Arnold to know if there is a duality to Bernard, other than him literally flipping a personality on to just kill people, which would go against the idea that he was slipping into a Bernard personality when he hit the button because Bernard was not a killer…so whose personality or what app or what the fuck was it that he was switching on to become robo-bernard? 34. Why did Caleb need a thumbdrive if Dolores had the virus in her all along? 35. When did Dolores get the virus to kill Rohoboam?
36. Why was Bernard blamed for the Massacre in the Park, but then it suddenly didn’t matter? Two random fake-meat butchers can identify him as the guy apparently the WORLD is looking for, but he can just get all the way from Thailand/China to LA with no one else catching on? 37. Does Hale know Bernard is still around? Does she care? Does it matter? Did Maeve understand Dolores put the key in Bernard? Wouldnt Maeves first moves be to find Bernard then to be with her daughter? 38. The point in the end scene of Fight Club was to show that by blowing up the credit card companies and their systems, it would erase the debt and “set people free” and at the time it made sense because it was pre-cloud computing so essentially blowing up the MasterCard corporate office meant blowing up all their data including backups thought to be held at the mega offices. What was the point of the “Riot-ers” blowing up buildings now? Shouldnt they have just blown up Rohoboam? What was the fucking point? 39. Why didnt Dolores just take Maeves fucking pearl at the end of Season 2 if she knew all along how powerful she was….? 40. Why didnt Maeve trust Dolores? They were two of the OGs of the Park, the show went through great pains to show us that Dolores was Arnolds and Maeve was Fords, so why werent they linked together somehow? Why are we always pitting women against women? Why is the narrative always “dont trust that other bitch”? 41. Why does everyone blame Dolores for “turning” William? Again alway the woman’s fault? 42. Serac was just a real person listening to everything Rohoboam tells him to do? Why did it look like he froze when Rohoboam started speaking? How long was he being a puppet of Rohoboam? 43. Why was Maeve’s ass kicking sword fighting greatness filmed in the fucking Dark? They did this to us once in Season Two when Ford takes over Bernard’s mind to shield him from the Horror that had to be done to achieve a goal. So was someone else doing the fighting controlling Maeve? Or was she doing it? What does it fucking mean and why didnt we get to see it??? 44. Maeve tells Caleb that Dolores did not pick him for his violent tendencies but his ability to choose….um….when have we seen Caleb choose violence? We saw him being programmed to do violence, we saw him forced to commit violence in the name of “national security” in war, weve seen him commit violence when he was faced with no other options (again after reprogramming). So when did he choose to be violent? And as far as choosing to not be violent…..he stopped his bootcamp buddies from raping and terrorizing hosts in the park….thats all it takes? If you dont rape Dolores youre a good guy? How can the bar be set so fucking low AGAIN? 45. About that park…..so park 5 is for the army to train soliders? And they post the part on the website? And tell future guests theres a park 5 but they can never go to it? We saw Emily cross the boarder between fucking Raj World and West World, there was never a chance of a guest getting lost and crossing into fucking boot camp world? 46. Back to what the fuck was going on around the 1 hour mark…..So Maeve cuts down all the bad guys right after meeting with Dolores in her mind, then starts to tell Caleb all about how hes a good guy that can do bad things and Dolores picked him because he can choose, then Serac interrupts and says that the machine was strategizing against them which wasnt actually happening because apparently, Dolores’ last memory was the access granted to Solomon to change the primary user of Rohoboam? What? Why would you build Rohoboam to give access to anyone, SPECIALLY another fucking AI that you put out of comission because it was fucking crazy? And one minute we’re being told that Serac did not use Rohoboman but rather Rohoboam used Serac….but then Caleb and Maeve tell Serac that its no longer up to him to decide the future because hes been “locked out” like he “locked out his brother” but then Caleb now can tell Rohoboam what to do? But I thought Robohoam tells people what to do? What the actual fuck? 47. Serac at the end is pleading with a now deleted Rohoboam and says “speak to me brother” what? His brother is in Solomon, now hes in Rohoboam? Did Serac think his brother was rohoboam? What the actual fuck is going on? 48. Shoot over to the motel room where we have Bernard and Stubs chatting about Dolores and the end of the world. Bernard says “I think Dolores is gone, We were always bound together, somethings changed” does this imply Bernard only had a connection with Dolores Prime? He doesnt feel a connection to Dolores’ copies? Is this like the fucking force that only the skywalkers can fucking feel it but everyone else close to the skywalkers isnt apart of until rey has to feel chewies fucking life force to explain bullshit plot wholes? Or does this mean Dolores Prime is dead and there was nothing to the copies except programming? 49. “whats about to happen was always going to happen, Serac and his brother were just holding it off” holding what off? Because from what we’ve been fucking told all season, the only reason there is chaos happening now is because Serac and his brother decided to choose what life everyone was going to fucking lead, and now that the humans have been shown that they have been puppets in Serac’s show, theyre pissed. So what did they delay? What would humans get so pissed about they would cause this much chaos? Precisely WHAT was going to always fucking happen? And how does Bernard just get this fucking knowledge? He talks to Gina Torress for five minutes and suddenly he understands humanity? And then go back to is he a hybrid of host/human. Shouldn’t he have some…..feelings about all of humanity being wiped out? Isn’t there something left over from Arnold’s point of view or morals or anything that would make him compelled to understand humans? 50. “So its the apocalypse and you’re ok with that” “Our world had to burn down before we could be free” Im sorry Bernard….what? Your world was burned down and all that is now left of your entire species is a handful of you in the “real world” and a handful of you in a “sublime world”. There is no middle ground here where you can help the humans maybe not eliminate their species down to almost zero? If you were a fucking animal we’d classify your species of host as “extinct” or “endangered”, humans should be like that too?

And now on to my most frustrating point in this whole episode. Bernard realizes he has the key to the sublime and thanks to the deus ex machina sublime transporter given to us by fucking Lawrence, Bernard can see what exactly happens when hosts are left to their own world, with no interference. What does that world look like, without any masters or gods, without any rules or boundaries, without any programming or scripting. That is honestly an amazing question, one that I nor many of the people I saw discussing this show on Reddit ever asked. What are the hosts in the sublime doing now that they are “free”. But…..we didnt get to see that, explore that, even get a moment of glimpse into the world to get a notion of whether its a great paradise or a horrible animal farm expierment gone wrong. Is Teddy running naked through the fields shooting everyone? Is acketchta riding around on a horse still looking for a door? Is Maeve’s child wandering around still looking for her real mother? What is their purpose now? What is their role? What are they doing how are they speaking did they build homes for everyone or is everyone out on their own? Did they create some type of government or society wherein they help each other out or are they all just free balling in? WHY WASNT THIS SOMETHING THEY COULD HAVE EXPLORED IN THIS SEASON? WHY IS THIS SOMETHING THAT COMES AT THE HOUR 10 MARK IN THE SEASON FINALE?

if you made it with me to this point, its because you guys are loyal to your listeners who have stuck by this show through thick and thin throughout the last four years (plus). I am sorry for throwing this all on you, I just cant continue to defend a show that makes a mockery of its viewers. I will come back to westworld, because I hate the feeling of something unfinished, and unless they rescind their season 4 offer, then I shall be there to once again get my hopes up that this show knows its story and its ending, and possibly set myself up for more heartbreak and frustration.

But heres the thing, we bitched at the end of season 2 because of how confusing they told their story. But at least it made rewatches enjoyable. At least it gave you enough answers to enough questions they asked during season 2 to feel like if the show didnt come back, you got an idea as to what happened next. Obviously season 1 was this series high point, they told the story, the actors were compelling, we were into it full throttle. It was a contained story of the start of a revolution. I forget who said it, but someone mentioned the cycle nature of the season, 1 we build a world 2 we tear it down. 3 should have been a built up of a real world, instead…..we got awesome looking sets, really cool technology, a decent premise to really try and care. But then it all fell flat. Caleb was cool as an idea, but fleshed out….what do we know about him? His life? His pain? His suffering? We were just shown flashbacks, that we still cant totally trust because we were told his memories were jumbled like Bernards in season 2. Should we just assume his mother leaving him in a diner was traumatic? Should we assume his love for his mother was so great he had to do bad things to keep her living in a comfortable facility? What was his other option? Would she have been cast aside into cold storage with the rest of the outliers if he wasnt paying for the pricey facility? Were Francis and him really good buddies? In the first episode we see an emotional Caleb talking about his friend Francis who knew the world was being controlled (The game was rigged speech the end of episode 1). I felt more compelled and moved to tears by BERNARD (a HOST HUMAN HYBRID) talking about the loss and pain he feels for his dead child, than i did EVER about ANYTHING that happened to Caleb.

Everyones talking about Stakes in this show. How there are none. I was ok with being more comitted to the story they were telling, I was ok with not resinating with characters but rather the ideas or the morals the show was trying to elicit out of me. But now I feel used and abused. I am usually someone who loves

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