The Maze, Arnold and Replacing Humans

Westworld Telegraph

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Hi there,

I keep enjoying your podcasts, what an amazing job you three are doing, trice a week! Listening to your conversations and ideas gives inspires me and helps me come up with new ideas and/or evolve ideas I have. About the maze:

Since episode 6 I have been thinking about the maze, the symbolic representation and also about what could it be. The thing is that the human figure in the middle is very analog (the position like an X) to the image of the circular device used for printing hosts. So I do not know if it will be a specific legendary host (as the native myth we learned through Teddy) or just the generic representation of the host nature. But putting together the visual analogy with Teddy’s words: a (man) who was reborn over and over is very telling. The maze drawing could symbolize the path to conscience, where hosts are going to find themselves once they solve. Bernard explained this to Dolores when he asked her to play the game of the maze, where she could be free. We also know now that the maze was conceived as early as Dolores, the first host, because both sketches appear in the notebook that Ford reviewed on episode 6. If the maze were to be something more concrete, an actual maze, I think that it could be the Westworld Head quarters (Mesa?), where the employees live and work. It would make sense since it would be very intricate, full of corridors and levels, and at the very center you find.yes, the host in the circle being printed!

It occurred to me last week that maybe Arnold is/was not an actual person, and yesterday I listened to that idea in your telegraph podcast I think. You said that Arnold might be a decoy by Ford to blame for malfunctions and redirect unwanted attention. I agree that if he ever existed there would be proof, and that is a fact hard to contest. It really indicates he never existed physically, as human or host, as he would have left traces. But we know he exists as code! My thought was that Arnold may have been the name of the program/code created by Ford for the purpose of inducing self-awareness in the hosts. Using the bicameral mind tool, hosts are able to perceive a second being district from themselves (godlike). Ford created/coded Arnold as the program to fill that second space, to talk to them/manipulate them. It did not work as Ford expected, as once the hosts developed consciousness they were out of his control. Dolores was involved in that first failure of the program Arnold. that’s why Arnold is deep inside Dolores. That code seems to be embedded in all the first generation hosts. And when Cullen activated/reloaded the bicameral mind code in those hosts as a way to transmit and steal IP, the latent Arnold code started working again to feel the second space, and the hosts started hearing voices. And only the first generation hosts hear Arnold because they have the bicameral mind. Maeve for example does not hear voices.

OMG, it sounds like I am crazy now? I am going to take the tinfoil hat off, enough for today, THIS WAS FUN! 🙂

Oh I forgot, is Ford already printing a replacement for Theresa? 🙂 When I saw the machine functioning, I though, oh, oh, there is Elsie. But when the camera showed Bernard killing Theresa through the machine printing a bodyit seem that Ford was already planning on her replacement! Very dark, I know. – Isabel from Madrid, Spain

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1 Response

  1. Gene Lyons says:

    “when Cullen activated/reloaded the bicameral mind code in those hosts as a way to transmit and steal IP, the latent Arnold code started working again to feel the second space, and the hosts started hearing voices. And only the first generation hosts hear Arnold because they have the bicameral mind. Maeve for example does not hear voices.”

    This is a brilliant observation, Isabel. So many people have asked, “If Arnold died (or was shut down) 30 years ago, why are things happening now?” A simple answer could be the transmission is having unintended consequences among the Generation One hosts.

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