Multiple Timeframes

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey Guys,

Now that it seems we are clearly looking at (at least) two time lines things are becoming more plausible.

I believe the Bernard and Delores time lines are the same. Maive and Caleb exist in the 7 years post war timeline (P7). Original Delores was correct that in order to save the world she had to have Bernard be the keeper of the sublime, and that was the real plan all along.

In the P7 timeline the park exists to test the technology Charloris will eventually use to take the entirety of humanity into captivity. The prototype tower and fly lab are experiments, which is why the Six Flags park exists in the first place.

Fast forward to the future timeline (P+?) and we have Frankie and her crew searching for the weapon to take down the tower and the mind control charloris has deployed to control mankind. They are clearly aware that hosts are all around evidenced by knowing exactly what was I the bag.

I think Christina is a part of what hosts do in the future. Create narratives to control the goo infected human population. To be effective and keep them from “waking up” the narratives must be extreme (this I think is a commentary on social media and the way it is slowly taking over programming us and losing track of what is really important).


1. How does charloris gain access to the encrypted data at the dam.

2. What is the weapon in the desert?

3. How is Christina human? I do not think this is really true.

Just a few thoughts..


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