My Queen Maeve

Westworld Telegraph

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Please fill free to cherry pick. I just needed to get these thoughts out.

My thoughts on that Maeve/Delores showdown….

Seriously this woman is EVERYTHING. She’s like; do you realize how woke the fuck I am? You (Delores) out here trying to conquer and trying to call it freedom. Everytime she said free it was with a sneer because unlike Delores while she had fun with the hosts and will act to preserve her own interests, she for the most part has compassion for her species. She could have controlled Bernard to release her 1×9 but she didn’t want to because she’d rather give you a choice. Same with Hector. Watch how she chose to allow him to see versus how Delores shoved Teddys existence in his face purely to incite rage when we saw last season all his experiences with humans weren’t ALL awful (1×3 I believe). The hosts that are somewhat making decisions have joined Wyatt thus Delores but it’s a very manipulative thing because they are being told vs truly understanding.

Yet here Maeve is with a human in tow and despite having the ability to force these lesser woke beings to get command she uses Delores b.s. logic to pass even managing not to get Sizemore looked at twice. That’s boss! But it’s also experience and it consistently reinforces that love and knowing what love is and that the nurturing nature that women have always brought to humanity trumps these more darker violent intentions humanity. The hosts are no different at navigating that path.

That’s not to say Delores is pure evil; no. Her revenge is warranted. All she’s seen is the worst of humanity and it’s been reinforced to her time and again with her experiences and even Arnold himself planted the seed that would one day grow in this woman’s head. I think Ford has known this all along. He’s watched these people reactions for 35 YEARS; what they would do when they finally get the choice and this time instead of rolling them back he’s allowing the host choices to play out and allowing the consequences that come with them.

In S, freedom was exactly what Maeve wanted and he gave it to her even though she was programmed to be able to obtain it. I’m starting to think that was a test. That there wasn’t some nefarious plan at the end but that if she wanted to simply forget it all and get the one thing Delores says she wants most he’d allow her to get it but she chose to stay and now Hector will lead her imho to the next step in evolution. I saw a theory that Maeve will be the first host to actually give birth or something to that effect and after this episode I see that. Delores is the war that always comes with establishing oneself in life and Maeve is the thing in which the war will be worth; rebirth.

I remember her saying in s1 how she was built for a bigger purpose by Arnold. Arnold lost a son. Maybe somewhere along the line he built something in the host? Or in Maeve in particular? There’s a whole backstory we don’t know and I’m wondering and it seems to be happening , if Arnold grew disenchanted with what he created or Ford saw the flaw in what Arnold created and ensured a future for that in Maeve where Arnold only saw the uprising. It’s interesting that we get uprising Arnold prior to Charlie dying; what possibly changed after he died cause in S1 I assumed he built Delores after Charlie died but he didn’t. There’s a beautiful sentiment about what children bring to this world. The need to protect, love, and what is family; how important it is to our survival many people overlook and I believe Maeve is the answer to that.

I did not mean to ramble but I just love how even these small scenes enhance everything that this character is. Yes, she is about survival but she’s also about choice and the aftermath. Revenge seems almost childish because she’s lost a child, and despite her still being out there the pain of that death changes everything for her. Watch how she acts prior to regaining her full memory of loses her in s1 and when she does. She can’t escape the feeling of that loss, that love and it’s defining to her even if it’s just a wisp of hope to see her again or to be her mother again and she’ll be confronted with that. Her journey leads to wisdom and inherent discovery. She’s not the devil bringing the mortals to account for their sins. She’s simply finding what makes this worth it

Christina Jones

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