Now I dunno bout that


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Hey guys,
I don’t want to complain because I am enjoying the show, but their were a few things that just didn’t jive with me this week. Firstly what’s the deal with the Crookshanks and Phillips’s all of a sudden acting like more than willing servents. Explaining these clone things is getting messy and seems to really contradict previous behavior. Secondly, Dr. Manhattan had lost interest in humanity, so what? he got bored creating new life and wanted to get laid so he came back. Seems like they are taking Moore’s character backward. So far Ozymandias ‘s character has been spot on, but this doesn’t feel like Doc Manhattan behavior. Lastly, Ozymandias, the smartest man in the world couldn’t kill Doctor Manhattan, but we’re to believe these inbred racists are gonna pull it off by cobbling together old lithium batteries? And steal his power? Just no. Moore had it pretty well established Manhattan couldn’t be killed, so I’ll be pretty disappointed if they decide to change the character this way. I did enjoy the many times Angela asked, “what?” Everytime someone fed her some cryptic bullshit, making her seem clueless, when in the end she was hiding the biggest knowledge bomb of them all. So how do you guys feel About the main show plot seemingly revolve around doctor Manhattan as a key figure? Feels a little like they’re living in the comics shadow now.

Sincerely kalmon from Minnesota

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