Opening Scene With Bernard/Delores

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey guys,

Listened to your deep dive this morning, and Gene mentioned the opening scene of episode 1 with Delores and Bernard in the bunker where Bernard tells Delores she frightens him. Gene conjectured that this might be Arnold, not Bernard. We need to be mindful that that scene opened with Bernard waking up and not remembering what they were talking about. Delores has to remind him of what their topic of conversation. The only other time we’ve seen Bernard wake up at the start of a memory was in his memories with Charlie. We learn later that these are memory implants from Ford, and that’s why they have a cold open of Bernard having to wake up and be reminded of the conversation. This can only lead to a couple different scenarios. Either, a)this is not Arnold, but Bernard, and someone (who, at this point? Ford? Delores? QA team?) has implanted a false memory in his head, or b) it IS Arnold, and he was also a host and has fake memory implants as well.

Hope to hear your thoughts!

Becky P

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1 Response

  1. Gene Lyons says:

    One tell Roger pointed out was the subtitles, which had the character as “Arnold.”

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