Prediction and Complaints Lol
I started watching Game of Thrones from season 7 with the world and that’s when I found you guys. This is my first submission for the podcast before the last episode.
I am writing this after listening to deep dive for the 5th episode.
I have some bullets points I’d like to share
Every time in a conflict, we try to compromise the source that’s causing it OR defend ourselves from an attack. It’s extremely expensive to keep fighting until one of contender runs out of resources. Dany should have clearly burned only the red keep after the bells. She has in past locked her dragons only because they burned a single child. This is clearly sloppy writing only considering what she has gone through in THIS series. Maybe under different circumstances, this could have been perfectly plausible.
If George RR Martin has told D&D how it ends, now they have events that are bound to happen so they write the story to fit that curve in the manner befitting to them. The series getting away from books was a considerable mistake. What’s done is done
Considering bittersweet ending its either Arya or Jon who is going to kill Dany. Or Dany might just leave Westeros seeing everyone has turned against her. * Jon is not going to be on the iron throne, he really doesn’t want it. He has earned every single title ever because of his actions. In the case of Dany dies people are not going to accept just another Targaryen as their king.
Only people left are:
- Gendry (From a bastard to a lord to a king in 3 episodes, I’ll be dammed )
- Bran (can’t climb the stairs )
- Tyrion (Only smart guy alive, if not burned alive )
- Sansa ( she already has north )
- Arya (Not a lady )
- I don’t feel excited about the last episode after considering what all can actually happen. Thoughts
- I watched 6 seasons of game of thrones in a month. Things I’ve missed on
- All the theories
- About 2-3 hours of the podcast every week.
- Thinking what will happen next
- Waiting years for another season
- All those clickbait YouTube videos, almost convincing me bran being the night king and Tyrion being a Targaryen.
- All interviews of cast, funny moments just so that I can get more of it
- People who have never seen Game of Thrones will miss all this extra fun without even missing it.
- They will never even realize when did showrunners parted way with books Trying to memorize all the names of characters. Being devastated by Ned’s death, reliving the red wedding and Ramsay’s torture. Jon being dead and again being alive will probably just be a few hours. Battle of bastards to the last episode ever will just be a few weeks.
It has been a fun journey! Thank you all and all the best for the future.
Raviraj from India
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I just want to know why you think the evidence put forth by just the show, indicates clearly sloppy writing. Dany has had this inside her, in my opinion the whole time. Since season 1 when she watched her brother brutally killed by the Dothraki, pouring liquid hot gold on his head. She said once her dragons were big enough, she was going to burn and destroy the world, and she would have burned Qarth first. Just because they wouldn’t allow her inside the city. Time and time again her advisors had to persuade her to find a peaceful solution.
the bottom line is, the people she holds closest and trusts are gone. The people who could preach patience. She’s at a point where she used patience and it was used against her. Maybe she feels like she failed her people. We won’t know until this episode.
But it’s not clearly sloppy writing, it’s hard when millions of viewers have it in their head, that Dany is the savior, ignoring the facts of what she has done. Objectively, you can’t say that she wasn’t this thoughtful or calm person. Hell, in this season alone, Sam asked jon if she would give up the crown for her people. It cut away, without Jon answering. But that was planted for the audience to ask themselves that question. That answer was no, she wasn’t even willing to rest her troops and dragons, because she wanted the throne. That is NOT NORMAL. She consistently throws people into bad situations because she’s a reckless person. Time and time again. It’s def there. I encourage rewatching the entire series with the idea that she is not the person she has pretended to be.
I do appreciate the questions you pose, And you’re opinions though.