RE: Dolores Will Kill Logan

Westworld Telegraph

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I can’t wait to listen to the blog on the way to work. I re-listened to the MiB conversation and I don’t think Juliet finds out for sure but probably comes to suspect. I picture William returning home with the bad news about the “accident”. The sister grieves and William pretends to grieve also, but life goes on and she marries William and they have a child.

We know she has been to the park from the conversation William and Logan have when the first arrive. She probably views it as a youthful amusement but now would never think about going back. Just like if you had a loved one killed on a roller coaster you could never go back to that amusement park and have fun. I am sure she is baffled by Williams insistence that the company invest in WW when she would be happy to see the whole place go under. Perhaps he tells her it is just business and it is a good investment for the company.

So now you have a married couple; She never wants to hear about WW again and he is obsessed with it and needs to find a way to get back. Maybe at first he tells her that he has to go there for work. I can picture how worried she would be to have her husband going back to the same place that her brother died in. Like any obsession though William needs to keep going back again and again. Like a husband that constantly wants to go out to the bar with his friends rather than spend time with his family, this has to be a source of marital strife.Having been there she knows how men act at WW and now he is choosing that place over her.

They grow apart and she becomes more and more resentful while he cares less and less about making excuses. When he is not at the park he is working to ensure the park is funded by the company and he goes back more and more frequently. I imagine she starts to suspect that maybe he killed her brother so he would be free to do all this but I don’t think he confesses because while he was culpable it was Delores that did the actual killing.

On a different subject, there is one thing that keeps sticking with me as being strange.

The town that Delores and William stumble on to, where she has her flashbacks about dancing and killing everyone. Why is it buried? We see that only the church steeple sticks up so that means it is under a good ten feet of dirt. If things did go wrong there I can see them tearing it down or just abandoning it but why bury it? Maybe it is just an oversight and I am reading too much into it but it doesn’t seem to make sense.

Randy Lee

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