Rewrite and mental health perspective

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I’m in the bargaining stage of grief and trying to get my thoughts out so thanks for the opportunity to console myself.
I have bipolar disorder and see a lot of myself in Dany. My biggest disappointment this season was the loss of her perspective. In my ideal world, this is what would have happened.
Up till episode 4 I was ok. When Messandei was captured I wanted to see Dany’s reaction. No doubt she had fear about that. I thought she was dead, maybe Dany did too. After seeing her on the wall she may have felt some relief, Greyworm included.
I think Emilia Clark’s acting in this was impeccable. It was the reason I related to her with my mental health. With bipolar disorder, you go through spouts of depression followed by manic episodes. I watched her go through a depressive episode in Dragonstone and felt a manic episode on the way, which is why the burning of King’s Landing made sense to me. There’s no reason for her to trust Cersei and if she had just flown away after The Bells I would have been so irritated. I was already irritated with Tyrion when he told her to go talk to Cersei.
I would have liked to see her fly straight to the Red Keep. When she touches it she sees wildfire exploding and realizes Cersei has created a trap that makes her look like she has completely torched the whole city. After seeing such destruction of innocent life, she is conflicted. Jon and Greyworm realize Dany is not done and so Jon can go through that whole conflicted scene with his men becoming the bad guys. If Dany doesn’t trust Cersei, surely Greyworm would get the clue not to trust the troops.
Dany tries to console the troops and citizens by giving her speech appearing to look like a conqueror when in reality she is struggling with watching the loss of innocent life. After Tyrion throws his pin, she realizes she is 100% alone (except for Greyworm who is also lonely and so likely not much of a figure that can help her navigate her feelings.) Everything goes down with Jon and Tyrion the same way. Instead of Jon stabbing her, he denies her request to rule with her again. She breaks down and asks that he kill her as a form of suicide because she can’t handle the complete loneliness and she knows the people will never love her the way she wants to be respected. Jon is conflicted then sees her grief and gives her a quick death.
At this point, I would have liked to see Jon explain what had gone down. Greyworm doesn’t believe him and he is arrested. Everything else goes down the same (except for the super dumb jokes. That was unnecessary and not funny. Also maybe cut the scene of Tyrion,, adjusting chairs for four minutes because what the hell.)
I would have just liked to see Dany recognize the madness in herself. She knew this was a possibility and I know Dany wouldn’t want to be a tyrant. She says it herself. In my ideal world, she would have recognized without Jon’s reason and lack of advisers to talk her down, she wouldn’t be able to rule in a way she had imagined.
I’m sure there are plot holes and this will be picked apart, but you get the gist. I just missed Dany this season.
Thanks for reading,
Lady Anna of House McNamara
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