It Seems That Something Happens to Ford’s Brother Tommy?

Westworld Telegraph

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Hi Guys,

You have really found your groove. I’ve been a fan since the beginning, but I still think you improve it every week!

You are probably getting so much fan mail now. Just add this to your stack.

It was nice to take the focus off MIB’iam for an episode and shift to the rather out there Ford=Arnold. I really didn’t expect that to go anywhere when I started it after episode 4, but here we are J

Why was MIB not as effective when he and Teddy went up against the soldiers?

  • It’s possible that this is a protection reflex, but I think you need to look at it more like a video game. He has likely repeated the previous steps several times before and he gets better each time. This thing with Teddy is all new territory. Plus, the further out he goes, the more intense the experience gets, right?
  • In fact, an anti-MIB’iam argument has always been around the bullets. i.e. why did Billy get knocked over when he was shot, where MIB barely flinches. I believe this is probably due to a conditioning response. When you’re afraid or not expecting something, it will hurt a lot more than if you know what to expect. 30 years in the park gives him the time for this plus maybe they improved the bullets.

Teddy the killing machine

  • Is it possible that the memory of Teddy killing people alongside Wyatt is a new one that was put there to make him step up and intervene? i.e. the story is adjusting to help move them along in their quest.
  • Remember a few emails back I sent you my take on the overall MIB arc? One point was that after Dolores breaks her loop with William, Teddy is introduced with the sole purpose of keeping her in her loop.

When Dolores seems to want to explore and break free, that’s when Ford brings Teddy in to reprogram him. Except he doesn’t strengthen his story to keep Dolores in Sweetwater. NO. He gives Teddy a new story that will not only leave Dolores on her own (subsequently getting encouragement from Bernard to find the maze), but it also puts Teddy & MIB together (MIB’dy)

It feels like Ford is perhaps not evil, but helping. So, the question is why? .

Arnold. The man? The machine?

  • So the dude in the picture was Ford’s dad? Or was it Arnold who created Ford’s host-daddy in his own image?
  • He treated the young Robert as a father would, calling him boy and asking about his day. Is he trying to be a better father to the host Robert than his own father was to him?
  • When host-Robert is speaking to Ford about the dog, what Arnold told him to do sounds like what his father would have told him when he was a child. Check out this still, it shows the beautiful framing of the shot where we see old Robert and a ghostly reflection of his younger self

It seems that something happens to Ford’s brother Tommy. In episode 2 and again here, there is mention of the boys exploring the countryside. Perhaps Tommy dies on that trip to Cornwall, or

It seems that something happens to Ford's brother Tommy It seems that something happens to Ford’s brother Tommy

perhaps the whole family dies, except for Robert.

In this case, you could imagine that Arnold was his adoptive father/wealthy benefactor who taught him everything. It seems that quite a substantial amount of funding would have been needed to start the park. By the looks of the Ford family holiday rental in Cornwall, these folks were probably not the Rockefellers. Since the partnership was super-secret, it doesn’t seem like venture capitalists put up the funding either.

  • Or maybe Arnold was an imaginary friend. The voice in Ford’s head.
  • Arnold may not be a person after all, but an acronym for a piece of old code J

Maeve the master manipulator:

  • When Dolores says the words These violent delights to Maeve in episode 2, she has just chosen her as the Judas steer
  • Maeve will be the one to lead the other hosts, while Dolores is busy chasing the maze
  • Sylvester (bad kitty) is helping her under duress, but Felix (good kitty) is helping her because he wants to. Just like with the bird. It wasn’t about a promotion. I think good kitty is disgusted by the attitudes of his fellow butchers and bad kitty. Maybe he really does see these as beautiful innocent creatures.

Sorry for the rambles.

Lots of love from London, –Jez

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1 Response

  1. Gene Lyons says:

    You know what we love about you, Jez? It isn’t the complex theories (which we deeply appreciate). And it isn’t the frequency of your emails (though we would be crushed if a week went by without one).

    No, what we really love is your abilty to craft nicknames for all the persona mashups Westworld keeps serving. You’re a master artist, and we bow down.

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