SWS DoD real world simulation

Westworld Telegraph

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Just to finish a couple odds and ends Ash. To clarify my end, I am Vincent C, hence my email address in my name. My wife has the desktop setup in her account, hence youtube handle Gigi Bouse. Sorry just want to make clear. So part of PROMIS is Brainstorm, which is a behavioral recognition software. Also there is FRS Flexible Research System which is facial recognition software. And then Semantic Web “which looks not just for link words and embedded code but for what it means that this particular person is following this particular thread. SWS is the quantum modification that DoD contracted Simulex Inc to develop. “…a synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information.” Text then turns to SEAS. “The SEAS (Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulations) software platform drives SWS to devour as many as five million nodes of breaking news census data, shifting economic indicators, real world weather patterns, and social media data, then feeds it proprietary military intelligence and fictitious events to gauge their destabilizing impact. Research into how to maintain public cognitive dissonance and learned helplessness (psychologist Martin Seligman) help SEAS deduce human behaviour…During Noble Resolve 07, the JFCOM-J9 (Joint Innovation and Experimental Directorate of the US Joint Forces Command) worked with Homeland security and multinational forces to run, real time, round-the-clock simulations for dozens of nations.” Last bit of text to wrap up concerns confidence in SWS predictions, but I would like to suggest getting a copy of Under An Ionized Sky, Elana Freeland just on the incredible amount of research info and footnotes that is at the bottom of each page as you read through over 350 pages and includes index, glossary, and maps and sites section to follow any threads desired. If anything, understanding this incredible info on technology in use in our real world could give insight into how show creators may have configured Rehoboam in show, if they even went so far as to do, or at the very least provide a real world conceptual working of Rehoboam for analyzing any relevant show content. We can at least grasp what Zirach or whatever his name is is thinking in terms of controlling humanity and the threat that Dolores poses if she gets control of it. Final text; “Reactions under stress may require that several solutions be at hand, but generally JFCOM-J9 is confident after six decades of slow-boiling-frog cognitive dissonance that SWS predictions will hold in the US, as well as in other nations (like Ukraine and Greece) whose cultures have been carefully subjected to SWS scrutiny.”

Hope you like info.

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2 Responses

  1. Susan says:

    On the one hand my innate paranoia is not surprised that this exists. On the other hand I wish they had leaned harder into creating jet-packs rather than Colossus (Forbin Project, probable before your time).

  2. Ashley Schlafly says:

    I am just blown away by all of this information. I am so excited to dig deeper into everything listed here and apply it to what we are seeing starting next week!

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