I Wish Taboo Characters Would Talk Like Real People

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Hello, I’m enjoying your thoughts and musings on this show and I now feel like watching Westworld because of you
I’m enjoying Taboo however it just leaves with me so many unanswered questions which I’m curious about how they will reveal with only 3 episodes left. I’m used to dark gritty Dickens type of dramas as well as the Jane Austen types as I grew up in Ireland.
Some of my questions are: Why doesn’t James at least look over the contents of the trunk before chucking in the fire as I thought he was looking for answers?
Who was wife #2 (supposedly Zilpha’s Mum even though I wonder is the Nooka sound Indian 1st wife maybe her Mum instead as she’s darker than James)
Why does Brace not know that Horace married Lorna? Maybe Lorna is a spy?!Maybe Brace is a spy?!
Do wish the characters would talk like real people i.e. at the Ball wouldn’t James have introduced Lorna to Zilpha after all she’s the step mum or when Zilpha meets Lorna while powdering her nose wouldn’t she have said oh I’m Horace’s wife too…I got frustrated with Lorna following him around like a lost sheep and wondering who the hell was that about nearly everyone there…
Not sure what the age gap bet Z and J is as he was shipped off to school around 11 or so as he was too much for Horace and wife #2 to handle so maybe they didn’t spend that much time together only Hols perhaps, maybe Zilpha is not his real daughter and that’s why Horace left her nothing as that was a big slight or he would have left her something tiny to show his displeasure who knows….
Why did James spare Thorne’s life did he not worry that he would punish Zilpha even more, and maybe he shouldn’t visit her via the fireplace till the dust had settled?!?
Anyway keep up the good work, look forward to your thoughts on #6 which was being tweeted about good o as it airs in Britain and Ireland on Sat, my Mum is very good she doesn’t reveal anything
All the best
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