Tagged: AG-S2E3

American Gods 2 Episode 6

So, obviously this show has been up and down, and as king bee has said repeatedly, no matter how many times they do something cool or visually stunning, “I still don’t care”. Those words are the simple reason that despite some really nice acting performances, visual aesthetics, and some decent...

American Gods Episode 4

Hey Guys, It’s funny that the Blackman’s story in America has become “Political” the Blackman even having a voice of opinion is “political” these two episodes of American God’s 4 and 5 are the Blackest thing ever! You folks have totally missed the point that Nancy was making which was...

Gods As Pesky Interlopers

Hey there!, I got a little behind on the show, but I’m caught up now. I wanted to share a thematic thought with you – the Gods (old and new) come across as pesky interlopers. I was struck by this reading The Song of Achilles. If you take the Grecian...

Me and My Shadow…

Hi Gene and King B, First off, let’s get the adulation and adoration out of the way. I really enjoy your American Gods podcast (even when i disagree with you) and only wish it was longer. I’m a fan of Shat/Movies too, especially when you love movies I hate (cough...

Well Deserved

Hi guys I have been listening to your podcast since you only had movies, and fell in love with you. I love your tv series podcasts even more, and I got hooked on all the series you reviewed, well except GOT, I already loved that on. I have saved up...

Gaiman’s Chance to Redeem American Gods

Hey Guys, I don’t blame Ricky Whittle for his seemingly shallow showing of Shadow. He has nothing to work with if the portrayal of his character in the script is anything like it is in the novel. Shadow is a character who like the story has enormous potential based upon...

American Gods

Do you guys think Bilquis poses as a threat to either the new gods or the old gods? And if so do you think she is powerful enough to take any of them on? Cuz in the season 2 premiere when she showed up at the meeting of the old...

American Gods

Shawn from Houston here guys, I love what you guys do on this podcast and on others. So great job. I have a complaint though and I’d really like for you to address it. I know this is YOUR podcast so you can do what you want with it but...