American Gods

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I love what you guys do on this podcast and on others. So great job. I have a complaint though and I’d really like for you to address it. I know this is YOUR podcast so you can do what you want with it but I would like to request that please if it all possible stop being such negative debbie downers about American Gods.
Yes it has its flaws for sure but what’s going to happen is you guys are going to start receiving nothing but listeners that are just as negative with their feedback . The listeners will feed the hosts and other listeners hate. i’ve seen it happen with other podcasts, especially with the walking dead. eventually all the podcast became is just haterade and bashing. I don’t want that to happen with your American Gods podcast but I can tell the seeds you are sewing have already started to bud with the feedback you are sharing already . Please find ways just to talk about and unwind the show and review it without always dragging it the actors, writers, effects , comedy etc. through the mud.
Example, we know shadow is a horrible character and a horrible actor. You guys mention that constantly and every scene he’s in. So eventually all your ever going to get shadow hate feedback . Listeners will write in just to talk mess about him. That will spread to the entire show if it keeps it up. Maybe just talk about when shadow actually does good instead of horrible he is all the time.
Anyway Just a small request with my two cents .
Stay cool guys!
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