Tagged: GOT-S8E06


Game of Thrones Episode 6 Theories: “The Iron Throne”

Game of Thrones Episode 6 Theories: “The Iron Throne” We asked you to withhold judgment until after the Game of Thrones finale. And now that our watch has ended, it’s time for the gloves to come off. This Small Council listener mail edition gets down to the nasty business of...


Game of Thrones Episode 6 Review: “The Iron Throne”

Game of Thrones Episode 6 Review: “The Iron Throne” “Game of Thrones” is over, and we’re having a hard time letting go. Our final On The Throne Deep Dive examines whether “The Iron Throne” helped or hurt this monumental series’ legacy and why things ended the way they did. Gene...


Game of Thrones Episode 6 Instant Take: “The Iron Throne”

Game of Thrones Episode 6 Instant Take: “The Iron Throne” Game of Thrones’ series finale, “The Iron Throne,” felt like two episodes wrapped in one. Maybe even two TV shows wrapped in one. There was the somber, sobering examination of absolute power corrupting absolutely, and there was the saccharine sweet...