Game of Thrones Episode 6 Theories: “The Iron Throne”

Game of Thrones Episode 6 Theories: “The Iron Throne”
We asked you to withhold judgment until after the Game of Thrones finale. And now that our watch has ended, it’s time for the gloves to come off.
This Small Council listener mail edition gets down to the nasty business of assigning blame for a questionable season 8, casting shade on the show runners, George R. R. Martin, and even poor Gene Lyons.
As fans dig into “The Iron Throne,” messages pour in to question Bran’s legitimacy as king, Jon’s right to be alive, the Kingsmoot’s entire function, and why HBO’s most successful series is ending.
Gene learns an important lesson about the C-word. No, not that one, and Big D guides us through a record number of voicemails.
Have a listen, then join us Tuesday for a Bonus Small Council!
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The Storyline for Episode 6: “The Iron Throne”
Jon and Davos survey the destruction Daenerys wrought on King’s Landing while Tyrion finds Jaime and Cersei’s corpses in the ruins of the Red Keep. Daenerys makes a speech in front of Unsullied and Dothraki, declaring that she will liberate not only Westeros, but the entire world. Tyrion publicly resigns as Daenerys’ Hand in protest to her rule and is arrested. Both Arya and Tyrion warn Jon that Daenerys will have him and Sansa killed and the fate of Westeros is in his hands. Jon confronts Daenerys in the throne room and stabs and kills her when he sees she’s become a tyrant. Sensing Daenerys’ death, Drogon melts the Iron Throne with his breath and carries Daenerys’ body away. The lords of Westeros convene to decide who will be the next ruler, and Tyrion suggests that future kings be picked by the lords of Westeros rather than through lineage. He also nominates Bran to be the next king under this new system, which the rest of the lords unanimously agree to. Bran appoints Tyrion to be his Hand, allows the North to secede from the Seven Kingdoms, and says Jon is to rejoin the Night’s Watch as penance for killing Daenerys. Afterwards, Grey Worm leads the Unsullied and Dothraki back to Naath, Tyrion reorganizes the Small Council to rebuild King’s Landing, Bran goes off to search for Drogon, Arya decides to explore the uncharted seas west of Westeros, Sansa becomes Queen of the North, and Jon heads north of the Wall with the wildlings.
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