Tagged: The Adversary

Getting Adversarial

I’ll try to keep it short this week. Mostly just a hail of bullet points. Officially on board for THREE time frames. Arnold and Dolores 35-ish years before present-day. William 30 years before present day. Present day. William/Man in Black Here’s my theory of how William/Man in Black plays out....

The Westworld Logo Proves Two Timelines!

Hey Guys, I just listened to the Instacast and was shocked neither of you mentioned the retro Westworld logo on the old computer in sub-level 82 that Bernard logged into. This all but solidifies the “Two Timelines” theory, with the misadventures of William and Logan occurring in the past. I...

Epic Theory, Urgent Please Read

Amazing podcast by the way and keep it long it is what fascinates me. Anyway, this is the first time I’ve written into a podcast or anything but I’ve had a light bulb go off in my brain and I needed to write this theory (note this is before episode...

What Ever Happened to Kissy?

Hey guys, Whatever happened to Kissy? Once the man in black scalped him we never saw him again. Shouldn’t the techs have been able to find him, repair him and get him back out there? I’m a believer in the multiple timeline theory and I think we will see Kissy...

Man in Black’s Eyes

Hi guys, LOVE the podcast. The deep dives you guys take drastically improves my experience in watching the tv show. Short and sweet. There is just no way that Logan is the MIB. He has dark brown eyes! Why does no one else see this??? Both William and MIB on...

Alpha & Omega

Alpha & Omega Last thoughts before episode 6 airs tomorrow. Trying to spread my theories around. So I shall give you my alpha and omega: my best and worse theories at the moment. Best – Brain Chemistry and Native Religions Perhaps you saw a photo I posted comparing brain physiology...

Maze Theory

Great job boys. Truly enjoyable podcast, especially the Telegraph. I have some quick hits for you to ponder. Ford is ultimately trying to recreate his long lost love in the form of Delores. Delos is the name of the parent company. Re is an exclamation in Greek that can be...