Teddy’s Timeline

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey guys,

Wow what an episode! There are a lot of reveals this week but one thing that has been bothering me the past few weeks is that I don’t know if Teddy is existing on the same timeline as Bernard & the resistance. It could be weeks, months, or even years apart. This week when you watch Teddy’s scenes and Stubbs’ scenes, you’ll notice that the weather is completely opposite. The show took care to showcase gorgeous, sweeping shots of the city but in Stubbs’ timeline, the shots are sunny, blue skies, crisp, and saturated. Meanwhile, Teddy and Christina are shot in extreme fog that covers half the city, and a much more subdued color palette. If these scenes needed to have the same weather for continuity, they would have ensured shoot days had the same weather, but they don’t. It’s possible that the Teddy plant occurs by the resistance but weeks/months/years after Stubbs & crew go in to rescue the outlier. If not, then maybe the foggy weather was just symbolic, to show that Christina wasn’t ‘awake’ yet. Come to think of it, have we ever seen Christina’s city in the same lighting and color scheme as Stubbs’ team did? I don’t think so but someone correct me if I’m wrong please!

Also, is Teddy truly even Teddy? I thought Bernard had a one-time entrance key to the Sublime so I’m not sure he could have removed Teddy’s consciousness from there. Is the weapon Maeve rebuilding Teddy the best she could similar to Dolores building Bernard off of Arnold? Then sending Teddy into ‘NYC’ to awaken Christina and start the next rebellion?

Marty McFLY

PS: The other thing that bugged me about the Outlier extraction is that Jay gets the notification about the breach while they’re in the desert and says they have to get there fast. Now we know why, because ‘The Game’ usually begins and whichever host in ‘NYC’ is closest to the Outlier at the time typically tracks down the Outlier and immediately kills them. So we know Hale didn’t initiate ‘The Game’ this time because she says so and she sends Willy Bot (petition to make this his official name) to kill the Outlier this time instead, because she doesn’t want to risk ‘infecting’ and losing another host. SO here’s the question: if this all always happens so fast, HOW does Jay’s team always get from the desert (Nevada?) to ‘NYC’ faster than hosts (or in this scenario, Willy Bot) could get to the Outlier??! I can only imagine that traveling cross country undetected in this post-apocalyptic world is extremely difficult. We finally feel confident that ‘NYC’ is real and on the East Coast, but is it?? Has NYC been rebuilt somewhere in the desert near the Hoover Dam somehow? I dont know how they could simulate NYC weather and climate if they did, it seems far fetched to me but I had to throw it out there!

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