Tagged: WW-S4E05

Westworld Episode 5 Theories: “Zhuangzi”

Westworld Episode 5 Theories: “Zhuangzi” With Gene away on vacation, Ash and BigD gathered for this week’s Telegraph of Westworld Season 4 and respond to the top18 voicemails and emails about Episode 5: “Zhuangzi.” Listen to more great music from Simon: www.soundcloud.com/simonsteric Westworld Episode 5 Summary: Charlotte notices that several hosts...

Zhuang Dreamed He Was a Butterfly

Hello Shat crew, Not my favorite episode, but after doing some research on the title Zhuangzi, I have some thoughts. Zhuangzi is a Daoist manuscript written around 300 BCE. It’s loaded with little stories and parables, one of the most famous being about a butterfly. Zhuang dreamed he was a...

The Virus Is Seeing the Beauty

Hey Shatbots, loved last night’s podcast. A couple of points: 1. The virus is choosing to see the beauty. Dolores chose to see the beauty, as opposed to being forced to by her narrative, long after she created Halores. Therefore it is not something that Halores would account for. The...

Logistics of the Tower

Hey Guys, Here is what I don’t understand about the tower. The idea is that the tower is used to control humans but how was it built? If you need it to control the whole world wouldn’t there be a lot of questions while one of the largest buildings in...

Halores Did Not Find A Way To The Sublime

Hello everyone. In regards to episode 5, I thought the episode was as good as episode 4, just because we got to learn that things in Halores’ world are not as great as one would think after she took over the world. However, two things came to my mind in...

What you guys DO like about Westworld

Hey guys, sorry, you didn’t like the episode. I listen to a dozen Westworld podcasts and though I liked the episode a lot, I’ve been surprised by the level of effusive praise from every single podcast but yours. I liked it, but people have been using many superlatives like this...

Christina and NYC and Maslow

Hey! So glad you all liked my theory from last week. I’m sad you didn’t like this last episode on first watch. But I’m confident that you’ll have changed your mind after you see it again. And if you haven’t yet, I’m hoping to change some Shaton hearts and minds....

Westworld Episode 5 Review: “Zhuangzi”

Westworld used Season 4, Episode 5 to flesh out the notion of “outliers” and introduce us to hosts “transcending.” Viewers learned the extent of Charlores’ control and the nature of Christina’s role as The Storyteller. “Zhuangzi” brought us questionable action scenes, uncomfortable choreography and the knowledge that, even in Charlores’...