Tagged: WW-S4E05


Hey guys! You guys mentioned that Caleb’s implant wasn’t unique and more than likely something many people of his day had installed (is that the right term?) But at the beginning of ep 4 we see Maeve access it via her abilities to help him when he was near death....

MIB printed Teddy

Hi team I’ve got it! I don’t check theories on reddit/other forums (fora??) so I’m hoping I’m the first to come to this conclusion. We’ve just seen Host MIB start to question his reality, with the provocative help of Human MIB. So I think Host MIB now realises he needs...

Ed Harris Nailed It

Hey Shat crew, Logan from Canada here. Fresh off the Instacast, I gotta agree with your criticisms of the action in this show. It really is just eye-rolling-ly bad at times. But anyways, enough of that. I choose to see the beauty in this world. The highlight of this episode...

Westworld Episode 5 Instant Take: “Zhuangzi”

Westworld Episode 5 Instant Take: “Zhuangzi” “Westworld” gave us a look behind the curtain as New York City’s facade crumbled in Season 4, Episode 5. “Zhuangzi” was a massive shift in style and pace from the previous two episodes, featuring far more exposition, mustache-twirling and awkward action scenes. Our Instacast...

How did Teddy get Here?

Hello, hosts, Just listened to the insacast. I’m not sure what you all we’re expecting, but calling this episode criminal minds is a bit over the top. This show is not easily digestible to most… remember every few episodes they have to tie a neat bow on everything to keep...

Teddy’s Timeline

Hey guys, Wow what an episode! There are a lot of reveals this week but one thing that has been bothering me the past few weeks is that I don’t know if Teddy is existing on the same timeline as Bernard & the resistance. It could be weeks, months, or...

Don’t Assume New York City is the actual NYC

Hello, Don’t assume that Charlores’ New York City is the actual NYC. I don’t think the writers would be so lazy to juxtapose the desert scenes with the US East coast. Was Sweetwater Westworld in the American southwest? No, it was on an island near China. Why was MIB buying...