Telegraph: Choice

Westworld Telegraph

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Just when I thought I couldnt love you all any more, Gene goes and references Fallout New Vegas last week.

Just a stray observation. At the start of the episode (i mean in the recap bit) when Ford is doing the voice over, the moment he says ‘Hero’ the screen shows Serac and when he says ‘Villian’ is shows William.

Ok to the main bit. Throughout the season and especially the finale they used the word “choice” a lot more than say “freedom” or “free will”. With Deloris’s eventual goal being to give humans free will, beginning with Caleb, apparently she gave him a choice, but she didnt give him the ability to gain free will. Inherently having a choice means you arent free because true freedom would mean not having to choose at all. So imo choice does not equate to free will (assuming free will of any form exists). So what exactly has Caleb been freed from? What exactly have humans been freed from by destroying Rohobo? All they have done is freed those potential outliers (which by the way are the minority by a long way in the world) from being captured or reconditioned. What they’ve ‘freed’ is chaos in hopes to build a new world? And that phrase of “i gave them the choice” by Caleb. What about those people that liked the order? That liked the restricted choices they had to make? Those are supposedly the non-outliers that are predictable like most of us are. I hope at some point there’s an uprising to Caleb’s/Deloris’s revolt against the machine that want the order back.

I’m not sure if that made sense or they are just the ramblings of a man a little hungry. Love the pod as always and the twitch stuff

Chaotic Neutral from the UK

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