The Double Hexagon Theory

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey guys

I know this email if long but it’s very well thought, i have been thinking obsessively about this for weeks.

Am long time listener, always wanted to write to you guys but didn’t really get around to it, I’m a huge fan of Westworld and Game of thrones and basically anything that’s top notch and have a good storytelling, i have listened to your Taboo and Shat the movies podcasts and i gotta say you guys are top notch, Thanks for giving us such great contents, keep up the good work i’ll make sure to leave a review and recommend to friends and support in any way i can.

I do have a couple of theories after watching and rewatching all the episodes so far.

Before i explain the Bernard theory let me explain the double hexagon meaning first,

Meaning of the double hexagon:
I believe that the double hexagon we’ve been seeing through out the episodes is the symbol for the project Willaim has been working on since the past and I believe it’s a technology that allows the joining of the human DNA and host, and the interlocking if these hexagon shows that there’s probably a combination or a blending of two things, it may well be a Human 2.0 or Host 2.0 because they are technically made from both parts human and machine, and it has to do with James Delos as well, maybe James Delos has been upgraded to Immortal human 2.0 but we haven’t seen him yet.

As for the Bernard Theory:
I belive his been upgraded and has been printed a new body with the same double hexagon technology, a combination between Arnold’s DNA and bernard, and that’s why when we see him in the first episode waking up on the beach he doesn’t have a scar or shaking and basically remembering or syncing if you will, just like when you buy a new phone it has to do some installation at first, that’s why in the very beginning we see bernard and arnold’s memories all together, i don’t know if he’s alone and remembering the Delos team ( Karl Strand ) or their with him and just missing with him because they know he’a been upgraded and trying to make him spell out what he remember, also i i don’t know how this upgrade happened to him or who printed the new body but I’m very positive that it’s something like that.

I believe that’s what’s so fun about Westworld, even after i theory crafted I couldn’t solve the puzzle completely, what do you think guys?

Much love and shoutout to the Westworld community.


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