The King In the North, Well Actually, of the 7 Kingdoms

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Hey guys!

Loved the review and the optimism while still being critical. I think it is hard to say goodbye to a show when in reality it could have gone 2 more seasons.

I was listening to you wonder about how Jon didn’t get killed, but actually he was King of the 7 kingdoms, he was the rightful heir. So I think after he killed her he admitted as much, Davos was there and could have backed up that claim. And we saw Varys preparing scrolls with the information. He could have sent them to all of the remaining houses. Also his northern men were there, at least the ones that survived, and they wouldn’t have let him be killed. I still would have liked to see what happened, but its not as far fetched when you remember he was the King, and Vary’s was already running his mouth about it.

I also don’t know why Sam was there. He didn’t even finish becoming a Maester, he left!

Sad this is the end of the show, but I will be listening on once WestWorld (which should now be called future world from the looks of it) starts back up!


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