The Man In Black Arc And Westworld Season Finale

Westworld Telegraph

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Dear ShatonTV,

The Man in Black arc was very important to me for the show sticking the landing for the season. I loved the season, not as much as season 1, (don’t get me wrong, the acting, filming, etc. was fantastic) and what made me nervous heading into the season is why I think they messed up with the Man in Black. Remember discussing how HBO and show runners, were going to be looking on reddit for fan theories and they were going to try to go a different direction, to surprise us. I was worried then that they were going to be more interested in doing the unpredictable, then to create just something good and thought provoking (which should have been the sole motive here). It is almost too obvious to me, that the first several episodes, the Man in Black was such a fascinating character. We wanted to know so much more about him. I can’t be sure exactly where it went off the rails, They decided to keep the theorists guessing, is he a man, or is he a host. They worded things, and inserted small details, to keep people on the he is a host bandwagon. They got so caught up in that, and I think ultimately, that is why they messed up the ending for his character so much. I don’t think I exactly would say I dislike where they went, but they could have hit it out of the ballpark, and I don’t think they did that. It was set up to be an awesome ending for him, his story of suffering and redemption, not unlike the hosts at all. To me, there was just so much more they could have done, other than making us have a WTF!!!! moment. I think that he was the real character I had invested in this season, and It completely went downhill after he shot his daughter and then even more in the finale. I just wish they would have focused on his story ending more traditionally, rather than keep us guessing about everything. Idk maybe I am wrong, but I felt like there should have been something more for him, something less crazy, and maybe more in between. I really can’t see where they are going in general with the show, but next season, I would love to see them reign in a little on the theory smashing. Worry about making it just a good story, which I think Gene, you have said before on the podcast. I loved this season of the podcast though, and I look forward to it more than the show at this point. Keep up the good work guys.

The podcast lives on through my Memory Kenny P

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